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I looked outside a window. A full moon was up. This would be the perfect time to cause trouble.
As Ken was engrossed in staring out the window, I pulled out a small metal rod from my boot. Then I put the rod in the keyhole and began to unlock my handcuffs. I got one wrist out. Then another. I shoved the rod back in the boot and put the handcuffs away. It would come in handy.
I stood up quietly. Then I slammed my foot against the wooden pole. Ken turned around. "What are you doing?!!" He yelled as I slammed my foot against it again. The pole began to creak and start to snap. I slammed it again and the pole broke. The ceiling creaked.
Ken tackled me down. I landed on the ground with a grunt. He held out a handle with a red button on top. His thumb hovered over it. "If I press it, this will call the whole Justice League. So stop!!!" I didn't answer. Instead, I wrapped my legs around his waist and swung him over me. I slammed him onto the wooden floor. And instead of him on top of me, it was me on top of him.
He teleported out. He appeared behind me. He grabbed me and put his arm around me neck. I flipped over him and choked him instead. I let him go and he fell to the floor coughing. I did not feel good about this fight.
He stood up. Then he pressed the button and threw it aside. I didn't show any emotion. "There, Sofia!!! The Justice League will be here!!"
I didn't say anything. I just ran at him. And before he could teleport away, I grabbed his wrists and handcuffed them. Then I grabbed a dart that he took from me off his belt and put it into his neck. He slumped onto the ground, asleep. I stared at him with no expression.
But my heart told everything. It was a mixture of triumph and guiltiness. I rolled him over, onto his back. I touched his face. He was still cute. I shook my head. I quickly grabbed my gear and put them all in place.
Then I heard a whoosh and I was thrown into the air. I quickly flipped, planted my feet onto the wall and landed into the ground.
It was the Flash. His eyes narrowed at me. I knew I couldn't beat him. I didn't care. He zipped to me and tried to punch me. But, unbelievably, I managed to dodge it. He looked surprised too. I used that as an advantage and kicked his head. He fell to the ground, unconscious.
Then someone punched open the wall behind me. I jumped back. Black Canary and Wonder Woman stepped in. Black Canary charged first. She planted her hands onto the ground and swung her legs, trying to trip me. But I jumped up and flipped through the air.
I landed in front of Wonder Woman. I pulled out my gun and began shooting her. She deflected them with her cuffs. I dodged all of them, but two of them hit Canary. Canary cried out as blood began to splatter out.
Wonder Woman looked shocked. Then she glared at me. She threw out her lasso. I grabbed it and pulled it. She flew through the air and managed to stop herself by flying. She put her lasso away and flew at me at top speed, her fists out. I jumped to the side and she smashed to the ground. And arrow whizzed to me. I dodged it. Green Arrow. He kept on shooting. I ran zigzagged as I moved closer to him. As I came close enough, I kicked his bow and it flew into the air. Then I punched his face. He fell to the ground. "Sorry," I mumbled.
Then I heard the door slam open. Batman stepped in with Martian Manhunter, Captain Marvel and Captain Atom.
Batman's eyes widened and then narrowed so fast, that even I saw only a glimpse. The others stepped forward to attack, but Batman put his hand out.
He stepped to me. "What are you doing here?" His voice showed no emotion, but I heard a hint of recognition. He thinks I'm my mother.
"I am a prisoner here, I should be asking why you're here in my prison house," I replied coldly. I ran to him at top speed. He put his fists up. But I didn't punch him. Instead, I slid onto the floor and smashed my feet into his legs. He managed to regain his balance.
He must be embarrassed. A little girl almost made poor Batman stumble.
Then he suddenly threw some gas bombs at me. They burst open and gray smoke was around me. I stayed in my spot. I shouldn't see, but I could hear. Mom taught me this.
I heard a faint whoosh and I did a spinning kick. My foot came intact his someone's ribs. Batman's ribs. He fell to the floor.
"Smoke isn't gonna stop me, Bats," I said with a sinister smile.
He stood up. Then he ran at me. He twisted me and tripped me at the same time, causing me to fall into the ground. He pinned me to the floor.
"Only one person can still be awake while fighting me," he said. He pulled off my mask. "Hello, Selina."
"Sorry, Mr. Wayne. But I'm not Selina. I'm Sofia." He looked at me with surprised eyes. "Hey, dad." He got off me but put some chip on me. A drug. I felt myself fall into another sleep.
I woke up to see the Justice League standing over me.
"Hey, Kenny!" Green Arrow greeted.
"It's Ken," I corrected. "Where are we?"
"In an advanced prison building," Batman explained without any emotion. "This is one of the most secure places in the world, she might not be able to get out."
"Might?" I repeated.
"We are not familiar with Cargirl's tactics."
"But don't you know Selina?" Black Canary asked.
"Catgirl isn't exactly like Selina. She has other differences and could be even more skilled than Selina," Batman answered. "For now, we need to wait until she wakes up."
"And then?" I asked.
"And then, the tests will begin."
I looked at him confused. "What tests?"
"You'll see, Disperance."

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