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I sat on the chair and began playing with my hair. "What do you want now?" I asked.
"Did you kill the teleporter?" Manar asked.
"You're being sarcastic, right?" Manar asked with a small chuckle.
"No. I'm not."
"Wait. You're being serious?"
"Yes. I am."
Manar slammed the table. "Why did you not?"
"Because I didn't want to."
"Because. I don't. In fact. Me and him are friends. So, guess what? You won't be able to make me kill him."
"No. I won't. But I will be able to know your identity once I rip that mask off!!!" A dozen guards can crashing in with guns. I didn't look at all surprised.
"Sweet Manar. You'll have to do better than that."
The guards fired as I jumped up. I landed on one of the guards heads and then jumped behind the group of guards. They all looked confused. I used that as an advantage and ran out the office doors.
"What are you fools doing? Get her!!!" I heard Manar yell as I sprinted through the hallways. I saw a window and smashed it open. The alarms came off. I smiled. A perfect distraction. I began to run again. I reached the main doors and threw them open. Then I ran into the shadows.
I looked around. No one. Then I quickly climbed to the roof and through the window. I quickly closed the window and pulled the curtain down. I don't usually pull it down, but this time I did. I quickly threw off my suit and gear. Then I shoved it under the wood. I pulled on my pajamas and ran downstairs. I smelled cookies. I immediately heard the phone ring. I shot downstairs. My mom was grabbing the phone.
"Mom! No!!" I jumped over, almost crashed into the table and snatched the phone away from her. I turned it off.
"Kitten, what was that for?" She asked, annoyed.
"They're hunting me, mom! They can track the phone when you answer!" I cried.
"Manar! He wants to know my identity!"
"Doesn't he know it already?"
"No. He doesn't know your identity, so he doesn't know mine!! All he knows is that I'm Catwoman's daughter! And he doesn't know Catwoman's identity!"
"Alright, kitten. I'll help you! But you need to focus on that biology test you have today. Go to school!!"
"Mom, Ken is at the hospital. If I go, than I'll have no one to talk to!!"
"Fine. But you better catch up with the classes when you go back. In the mean time, go visit him."
"Ok. Fine. I'll go." I ran upstairs and quickly changed. Then I ran back down. "Bye mom!" I put on my shoes and shoved keys into my pocket. I ran out the door and closed it. I walked to the hospital. It wasn't far. I looked cautiously around without moving my head. I saw two agents that worked for Manar. My heart thumped. I kept walking to the hospital. I walked through the doors.
The agents came in after me. I walked to the receptionist. She looked up at me and smiled. "Can I help you?" She asked.
"Yeah. Uh, where is Ken Hollins?" I asked.
"Room A17."
"Ok, thanks." The agents were walking around now. I kept my normal face on and walked to room A17. I opened the door.
I gasped. There standing there was a man dressed in all black. He was choking Ken. The man in black glared at me. His teeth began to sharpen and turn into fangs. His eyes glowed red.
"You're next!" He hissed as Ken tried to fight him. I was about the yell at Ken to just teleport away, but I didn't know if anyone should hear. His fangs touched Ken's neck. I screamed, loud. People came running in, including the two agents. Most screamed and ran out the room. One of the agents pulled out a gun.
"No! You can hurt Ken!" I yelled. But the agent pulled the trigger. I watched as the bullet hurtled out. It hit the man in the chest, a millimeter away from Ken's neck. The wound began to glow blue as blood came out. The man let Ken go and both fell onto the floor. I ran over. I sat down and rolled Ken over. His face was drenched in sweat. He was unconscious. I felt something wet on my pants. I looked down. A huge blood stain was there. I looked at the scratches. They were bleeding very much.
"NURSE!!" I screamed. "Nurse!! Nurse!!" A nurse came running in.
"What is it, child?" She asked.
"He- he's BLEEDING!!!" I hollered.
Her eyes widened. "Everyone out!!" She ordered. "Get out!!! NOW!!" She punched a red button on a wall and sirens began blaring. A person pulled me out as doctors and nurses can rushing in. The slammed the door shut. The two agents looked sadly at me. One of them put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off and ran out. I ran all the way home.
I barged the door open. "Mom!! MOM!!"
"Kitten? You're back so early, what's the matter?" I ran to her and hugged her. "Kitten, what's wrong?"
"He's not in good shape."
"Well, he'll get better! Just because he looks like this now doesn't mean he will later."
"He almost got killed by the werewolf!"
"How did the werewolf escape?"
"I don't know." Mom's phone rang. She turned it on. She looked at it for a few seconds. Then turned it off. "What is it?"
"Just an alert telling us to be careful that a man in black is a murderer on the loose. And you know who it is."
"The werewolf."
"Yeah. I know what you're gonna do. Be careful, alright?"
"Got it." I walked up the stairs with determination in my eyes. Time to get ready to kill the werewolf.
I opened my eyes. My throat was still hurting from the werewolf choking me. My head felt a little dizzy. I heard footsteps running around in the room. I pulled myself up. The dizziness was even greater now. I felt like the room was toppling over. I saw a woman run over.
"Lay back down," she said gently. I laid back down. "You lost a lot of blood. You are going to need rest." She pulled the blanket over me. Then she pulled out a shot and put the needle into my neck. Drowsiness overwhelmed me. And before I could close my eyes, I saw a figure outside the window, watching me. It had cat- like ears. I tried to fight the drug but it took over me and I fell into a deep sleep.
I watched Ken as he fell asleep. I waited till the nurse left. I pressed a button on my bracelet. I felt my body vibrate quickly. I pushed myself into the wall and I went through it. I landed on the ground as I turned it off. I smiled. Seems like the Phase Band did come in handy.
I pulled out a scanner and began looking for blood. The hospital janitors already cleaned up most of it, but there was still some left looked under a table. A small speck was there. I put my scanner above it. The scanner scared it and a GPS popped up. A green dot showed where we were and a red dot was moving. That was the werewolf.
I observed the dot's movement. It was heading north, to the woods. No surprise. I strapped the scanner onto my belt. I jumped onto the windowsill and pressed the Phase Band. I phased through the window. I turned it off and jumped off.
I hopped onto my motorcycle and drove off.
I reached the woods. I parked my motorcycle and got off. I walked confidently into the woods. I heard growls as I went. Good. It's here. I kept walking. I reached the clearing we were in before. The growling ceased.
I stood in the middle of the grassy clearing and averted my eyes to see the werewolf. The bushes sround the clearing rustled a bit. Then it was quiet. Then it lunged at me from behind. I was ready for it. I twirled around and slashed with my new knife. Before I came, I had dipped my knife into a chemical that could burn anything. And the cut was burning on the werewolf.
It howled painfully. I smiled. It howled again, then whimpered. It fell on its knees as it turned into the man in black. He screamed. Then he fell into the ground, dead.
"I am done here," I said. I was about to walk away when someone else said:
"Oh, I don't think so," it was Manar. He and four men jumped out. "Hello, Catgirl. Long time no see."
"It's only been a day, Manar. Know how to count," I replied.
He ignored my insult. "Get her." All four came at once. I dodged one and he slammed into another. A third came with a knife. He swung it at me once. During the second time, I grabbed his wrist, causing him to stop his slice. I twisted his arm and kicked his chest. He fell backward onto the ground. I turned around and punched the last guard in the face. Then, in a blink of an eye, I skillfully snatched up my gun and pointed it at Manar.
He put his hands up. "Catgirl, if you shoot me, it won't make a difference. Yes I am the leader of my corporation, but even without me, they will hunt you down. So put that gun away." I glared at him, but I shoved the gun back on my belt.
"What do you want?"
"Since you did not kill the teleporter, I am going to make you do something else."
"Like what? Clean up the trash?"
"No. I want you to kill the Batman." I thought for a moment.
Mom said he left. Mom still loved him. Mom will get her revenge. Mom will get her revenge, by me.
"Fine. But I'm not killing him for you. I'm killing him for Catwoman." Then I disappeared as the words, "I want the Batman" raced through my mind.

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