Wake Up

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I was sitting in the room with Jaimie and Bart. I had changed out of my Disperance clothes and they changed also.
"Don't worry, hermano," Jaimie assured. "She'll be alright. She's tough!"
"Yeah! I mean even when she's asleep she looks tough!" Bart agreed.
I knew they were trying to make me stop worrying, but none of it helped.
"Where's the Justice League?" I asked.
"I don't know, they should have Zeta-ed her a long time ago," Bart replied.
"That's what I thought," I replied.
"Maybe the Zeta- tubes were malfunctioning!" Jaimie suggested.
"I'll go check! Be back in a flash!!" Bart yelled. He zipped out and came back in seconds later. "Nope. No one there."
Then the robot called out "Batman". He came in a few seconds later.
"What. Happened?" He asked in his slow, angry tone.
"You know what happened?! You and your stupid tests happened!!" I yelled.
"Whoah, ese!!" Jaimie said, putting a hand on my shoulder. Everyone in the room was surprised. No one has ever yelled at Batman before.
I stood up and shook Jaimie's hand off. "If you weren't too busy doing your stupid tests, then no one could've gotten hurt!! All you care about is making sure they pass! Even if they get hurt!! You think you're so scary with your stupid bat- mask! But no! You're not! Not to me!! I-"
"Enough," Batman growled angrily. "Do you think that I don't care? We didn't plan for this to happen. A simple recon mission that turned into a disaster. So, Ken Hollins, hold. Your. Tongue."
I looked down with a mixture of guiltiness and angriness. Batman walked passed me and inspected Sofia. "She's in stable condition."
"M'gann said she's in some kind of coma," Jaimie added.
"Not a bad one," Batman replied. "She'll wake up soon enough."
"What took you so long to get here?!" Bart asked.
"We had to explain the explosion to the police. I need to go visit Sofia's mother to talk about Sofia's absence. Stay out of trouble," Batman ordered as he walked out the room.
"Man! That was crash!!!" Bart said, slapping my shoulder. "You're not smart, but you've got guts!"
"That might be a good thing," Jaimie warned.
"Whatever! C'mon, Ken! You look like a raccoon, let's go to bed!!" Bart exclaimed.
"What about Sofia?" I asked.
"Her? She'll be fine!! She's tough remember!! And M'gann is gonna take care of her. C'mon!" Bart assured. They pulled me out the door. I looked at Sofia again. Then I shut off the lights and closed the door.
Sofia, Sofia! I heard in my mind. Someone was calling me. It sounded like M'gann. Sofia. Respond! C'mon, Sofie! Talk!!!
I groaned. M'gann? Is that you?
Yes!! Yes!! I got your mind awake! I should alert the others! She cried in my mind.
Wait! What happened?! I yelled.
You were trying to save Beast Boy, but almost got yourself killed by a bomb. It's fortunate that you're alive! She explained.
You know that only my brain is working. My eyelids feel like they're too heavy to lift up. And why does it hurt? I said.
Where does it hurt?
Maybe you're still in shock from the bomb explosion!
Yeah. Maybe. What happened to Ken?
Don't worry, he's alright! He's been with you a lot lately.
Wait. What? He has?! Isn't he mad at me?
Seems like he's gotten over it. He was the one who carried you here!
You're making me sound like a baby.
Being a baby isn't all bad! I'll go tell the others!! Then she was gone.
I opened my eyes. But they were still half closed. I was in my bedroom. I opened my eyes wider. I tried to sit up but didn't have the energy to. I felt a breathing mask on me. I could hear myself breath. Wow. I sound like Darth Vadar. I could imagine myself stomping around the halls yelling "Luke, I am your father". I rolled my eyes at the thought and pulled my mask off. That's when I saw the cast on my arm.
I saw Ken teleport in. "Sofia!!" He exclaimed. He ran over and hugged me.
I was so surprised. Then everyone came swarming in like a bundle of bees. "Hey, Sofia!!" "Are you alright?" "How was it being not alive?" That was Garfield. He always asks weird questions.
"Ok, guys," M'gann said. "She's still recovering, so don't overwhelm her. She needs rest too, so everyone out!!" Everyone groaned.
"C'mon!! Let's leave these two alone," M'gann said, dragging them out. She nodded at us with a smile. I raised an eyebrow.
"'Let's leave these two alone'. What is that supposed to mean?" I asked looking at Ken.
"Are you a criminal anymore?" He asked, not answering my question.
"I... I guess not. Since I'm with the team and all that..." I said uncertainly. I still need to kill Batman and all that, but I guess not. In fact, I don't even wanna kill Batman anymore!
"So-" he began.
"Wait, aren't you mad at me?" I asked suddenly.
"Not anymore..."
"Good. I don't like it when you're mad at me."
He chuckled. "Well, anyway. I knew my first request didn't go well, but I wanna ask you again." He touched my cheek. I looked into his eyes. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I looked at him. Then I slowly leaned into him. My lips touched his and we kissed. I put my arms around his neck as put his hand on my back. He hugged me as we kissed.
He was warm and he smelled like mangos. Then we parted, but we didn't stop hugging. "I guess that means yes, then."
I smiled. "It doesn't mean yes." He gave me a surprised look. "It means totally." He laughed. I leaned into his chest.
I liked the way his arms were wrapped around me. They felt protective and nice. I was sure of two things. One, I loved Ken. And two, I'm not killing Batman.
Hey! Hoped you liked this part! I know this might not feel as romantic as you would like it, but I did my best!! I hoped I gave each character the right dialogue! Like for Bart, I did a goofy kind of voice!! Thanks for reading!!!
P. S. Garfield is Beast Boy.

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