CastielXPregnant!Reader(fluff): Love

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It was late at night.


You were woken up by your newborn baby crying.
Her voice echoed through the bunker and you grumbled, standing carefully. You were still very weak but you knew Sam and Dean were out cold. When your water suddenly broke and you wet into labor they both freaked out. Sam ended up having to deliver your baby with Deans help.
Your fiancée Castiel was busy in heaven. He was just gone back up to take care of some business before you had the baby but little did he know you already had her while he was away.
You walked over to the crib and frowned as your baby girl stopped crying suddenly. You picked her up but she seemed oddly distracted. You looked behind you where she was staring and gasped, seeing a figure which you immediately recognized as your fiancée.
"Cas!" You yelled and threw yourself into his arms, still holding your baby.
He chuckled and hugged you gently, kissing you lovingly.
"(Y/N). You promised you wouldn't have her while I was gone." He said softly.
You blushed and smiling a bit,"I'm sorry Hun but I couldn't really hold her in. She wanted to come out and meet you so badly." She said.
Castiel rose an eyebrow,"Really? Did she tell you this?" He asked.
You giggled softly,"No silly. Babies can't talk this young." She said.
The baby in your arms made a cooing noise, chewing on her hand.
Castiel smiled,"No but as she gets older she can think. Angels can hear the thoughts of children and communicate with them. Although currently she's doesn't really have any thoughts. Just confusions of color and sound, wondering why her father is such a large shadowy figure. I suppose it's because it's dark in here." He muttered.
You giggled,"It's because she's a newborn. Her eyes haven't adjusted or finished growing yet so she can't see well. You have to get very close to newborns for them to see you correctly." You explained.
Castiel hummed,"I see." He said, getting very close to her face.
The baby cooed and touched Castiel's noise gently.
You smiled happily as you watched them.
"Castiel would you like to hold your daughter?" You asked softly.
Castiel nodded carefully and took her from you, holding her gently in his arms. He stared at the little baby in wonder for a long time, his face scrunched up in a mix of emotions and suddenly a tear rolled down his cheek.
You frowned and touched his arm,"Baby what's wrong?"
Castiel sniffled and brushed away his tear, looking at you,"I think I've fallen in love all over again (Y/N)." He said softly but very seriously.
You felt tears roll down your own cheeks and you hugged him,"Me too Cas. Me too." You whispered.
Castiel looked down at you, smiling softly as he wrapped an arm around you and you leaned into him gently, gazing at the beautiful creature your love created.

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