DeanXReader: The shackles of humanity Part 2

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It's been a week since you had rescued Castiel.

You can decided to head back to the bunker with the boys for a bit. They always needed a little help from their friendly neighborhood witch and you didn't mind sticking around if it meant being around Cas some more.
After your little romp things were a bit strange though. On the car ride to the bunker the two of you snuggled in the back seat of the impala. He held you close to his chest so he could hear you breath softly as you slept. He watched over you the whole way. It was adorable. He even carried you inside and tucked you in when you arrived at the bunker.
After that he was gone though. He disappeared and told Sam he was 'taking care of some things' but you still felt shitty. You've been occupying yourself with meaningless hunts lately. Anything you could possibly get your fingers on. Dean was supporting your habit too, as if he were trying to busy himself as well. You could tell Sam worried but he seemed busy as well.
Tonight though. Tonight there was nothing to do. No hunts to take on. Nothing but your thoughts. You hated it. You went to your room and threw together your best outfit, put on your make up and grabbed your purse. You needed something to do. As you walked into the main room you saw Dean though. He was staring at a book with a glass of whiskey next to him looking bored as all hell. You smiled softly as he looked up at you.

"Well hello. Look who's all dressed up and ready to go. Got a date with Cas or something?" He asked sarcastically.

You scoffed,"Nah. I'm going out to drink until I can't remember how to drink anymore. Wanna join?" You asked.

Dean chuckled and stood up, finishing off his whiskey,"Always."


The two of you were at the bar drinking away. You were already a few drinks in when you hit a patch of silence. You sighed softly and looked down at your drink but you felt Dean staring at you, reading you.

"Dean. What is it?" You asked without looking at him.

Dean sighed and looked away,"Nothing. Why?" He lied.

"I can feel you thinking. There's something you want to say so just say it."

Dean sighed and took a deep breath, swishing his drink around before turning in his bar stool to face you,"Fine." He said before taking another deep breath,"I guess its just, Cas left and-"

"And?" You hissed softly.

"And I just wanted to know where you stand. After everything that ugh-" dean pauses to clean his throat and rub the back of his neck,"-Well went on between you just seems like a strange place to be in."

You looked at him as he talked but you didn't turn to face him. You sighed when he finished and you polished off the rest of your drink before speaking.

"I wish I could give you an answer Dean but I can't. I didn't even get an answer. He couldn't even tell me directly that he was leaving. He pushed that onto your brother and left me standing alone in that basement after I risked my life to save him. I can't say we're nothing because we're not but I can't say we're something so I can't really say anything if that makes any sense."

Dean sighed and finished his drink as well before signaling to the bartender to pour us another round.

"I'm sorry (Y/N/N)-"

"Please don't do that Dean. I'm not a frail little bird. I can fly just fine on my own."

"Then why don't I believe that." He said, turning away from you again.

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