CastielXReader (lemon): The shackles of humanity

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Okay so before we begin this obviously sexy story let me just say. I swear to high heaven I updated this mother-ducking Fic like forever ago when I told you guys I was going to in the last update however my phone has been glitchy and for some reason it didn't post and didn't save 😒 my life. Anyways onto the story. Lol.


Ring ring

Ring ring

You rubbed your sleepy eyes and rolled over on your couch before picking up your phone.

"Hello?" You grumbled.

"(Y/N)! We need your help. NOW!"

"Ah Jesus fuck Dean! Stop yelling! I just woke up." You growled, rubbing your eyes.

"(Y/N)! This is serious. I need you to get over here now. We need your help. Quick. Lives are in the balance."

~Later The Evening~

After a fast and non-stop drive in the night you arrived where Dean and Sam were. Lucky for them they weren't far from your current residence. You knocked on the door and Sam immediately embraced you in a large and crushing hug.
You chuckled and grunted, hugging him back,"Good to see you too Sammy boy." You said as he let you go.
You two walked over to the small round table where Dean was leaning over the desk staring angrily at books and papers below him, an almost empty glass of whiskey on the table next to his hand. He stood straight, looking at you. His brow was furrowed, his eyes were sunken in and he looked as if he hadn't slept right in the past three days.

You frowned deeply and walked over to him,"Deeno what the hell happen babe?" You whispered, caressing his cheek before he pulled you into a hug.

"I told you it was urgent." He muttered before letting you go.

"Tell me what happened."

Soon the two boys quickly explained to you that Castiel had been kidnapped by Enemy Angels in an effort to take back Heaven and once again cause chaos in both our world and theirs. You had met Cas on several occasions and you two always got along well. Every now and then he would leave flowers on your door step and it would always make you smile. You hadn't seen him or the boys in a while though. You sighed as they filled you in on everything and you stood once they were done.

"Alright. First things first. A location. I'll need something that was in Cas's position, clothing, a glass he drank out of, anything."

Sam nodded and stood, grabbing his coat which his attackers had left after taking him prisoner. You nodded and took it, grabbing a pair of scissors and snipping off a small corner of the collar before setting down the jacket. 
You then went in your bag and grabbed a small box in which you kept a feather that had fall off Cas's wings during fast travel. It was rare that you could come across an authentic Angel feather and they could be very handy to a magic practitioner and hunter as yourself.
You took the feather, running your fingers across it gently and muttering an incantation before placing it in a bowl along with the piece of cloth from his jacket. You then burnt the items while muttering an ancient Enochian incantation. You sighed, reluctant for the next part of the spell as you inspected the ashes.

"I'm gonna need a decent shot of something strong."

"How's whiskey sound?" Dean asked as he poured you a shot and handed it to you.

"Perfect." You said before pouring the whiskey into the ashes and quickly drinking them down. You then snatched the bottle from Dean and chugged some more, fighting your gag reflex.
Sam winced as he watched you pant softly and swallow a few more times before grabbing Deans arm.

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