SamXPregnant!Reader: Its all my fault

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Now before you say that this situation can't happen it 100% can happen. It happened to my best friend and it was terrible and miserable and painful as shit. :0 lol Also prepare to get stabbed in your feelers.

You were sitting up slightly in your hospital bed. You had just woken up and you were already regretting even opening your eyes.
Last night Sam and Dean rushed you to the hospital after you started having extremely painful contractions.
It was still a month from your due date and Sam was a mess of panic and worry.
Last night they admitted you to the hospital after telling you you were having labor pains. You were only 1cm dilated and the doctor had explain to you that in some rare circumstances woman go into labor early and stay in consistent labor until the baby is ready to be born.
You were non too happy about this news and Sam was still a worried mess. You had a weak body, having been a sickly child, and he was worried you might get sick or loss too much blood during the whole ordeal.
You knew he was blaming himself for all the complications you were having during your pregnancy but it wasn't his fault.
You rubbed at your eyes and looked around, glancing at the morphine drip that was hooked up to your IV. You sighed, hating all of this. Morphine couldn't be good for your child but it was all they could do to stop you from screaming and writhing in pain. You were still dazed in a haze of pain from the constant contractions in your enlarged stomach and the kicking in your lower back and hips.
You leaned your head back, panting and closing your eyes. You could still see Sam's tortured face as he looked up at you from over the bed rail as you screamed in pain and crushed his big, strong hand, doctors and nurses busy around you.
You opened your eyes, looking up as you saw Dean and Sam walk into the room with bags of McDonalds breakfast. You smiled softly, every muscle sore including your face.
Sam rushed over to you and kisses your head gently, taking your hand as you reached for him.
"(Y/N). You're awake. How are you feeling?" He asked softly, worry deep set in his face. His eyes were still puffy and red and sunken in. He had dark dark circles under his eyes, the likes of which you had never seen.
You smiled softly through the pain,"Hey baby. I-I'm okay. It hurts but not as bad as before." You said softly, squeezing his hand gently.
He nodded once, brushing some hair out of your face gently.
Dean sat down, digging out the food,"Hey (Y/N)! We got you your favorite." He said cheerily, holding up your favorite breakfast food from McDonalds.
You smiled and reached for it,"Oooo gimme gimme!" You said happily.
Dean and Sam laughed as Dean set your food up on your hospital tray and rolled it over to you.
You ate happily, surprised at the fact that you could even eat being in this much pain but who could resist McDonalds breakfast?!
After you had all eaten Dean stepped out to grab some pie from the hospital cafeteria, leaving you and Sam alone.
Sam stood behind you brushing your (h/l) (h/c) hair as you sat on the edge of the bed in your hospital gown and a pair of his joggers.
"I'm sorry (Y/N). This is all my fault." He muttered softly.
You sighed, glancing up at him,"Sam. It's not your fault. My bodies weak. It's my fault." You muttered softly.
He shook his head, putting the brush down and sitting next to you.
"No. It's mine. I should have made sure we were more careful. Your body can't handle this. A month of labor? This is insane." He said, his hands in his head.
You peeled his hands away from his face and held them to your chest, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"(Y/N). I can't lose you. Not you. I can't." He whimpered, his voice cracking as he spoke into your hair.
You sniffled and looked up at him, caressing his cheek and brushing away his tears.
"You won't lose me Sammy. I promise. Please believe in me. I can do this. For us, for our baby. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here, by your side forever like I promised a year ago."
Sam kissed you gently,"I believe in you more then I've ever believed in one person before (Y/N). You're the strongest most beautiful woman I've ever met. I'm just afraid. I've lost so much, so many..."
"I know Sam. But you won't lose me. You won't lose us." You said softly, touching your stomach gently.
"You are my moon and my stars." He whispered.
"You are my rising sun." You whispered back before hugging him tightly.

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