B. Yoichi

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Konich my name is Shizu Dtk Dio and let's get started!
Previously, you have past Mika's side and are now onto Yoichi.
Your PoV

You saw Yoichi's name and giggled, you thought Yoichi was the most innocent. You saw a memory.
~~~~Flash to it~~~~~
'(Y/n) is so cute I love her, but I don't think she'll like me, wait she just stood up for me!' Yoichi thought.
~~~~Flash end~~~~
It was when Yoichi was close to not getting a demon weapon. You were glad you stood up for him. You made yourself more adorable, you made your past self smile and then two glass shards appeared, one of Yuuchiro and one of Yoichi, this time you didn't hesitate, you chose Yoichi and went to the next memory.

Sorry these are short but the next ones will hopefully be long.

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