F. Narumi G. Kimizuki H. Kureto. I. Ferid

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I just hate splitting them up so... WARNING: A LITTLE TINGE OF LEMON.
You saw four doors, with four different names.
A. Naru-Chan
You picked Naru-Chan obviously, you had a gigantic crush on him. You went through his door and saw Rika Inoue kissing his neck while he resisted trying to pry her off. You growled and swung (Weapon's name and form, I give a lot of choice don't I?) towards the floor, scaring Rika. Then your younger friend Shizuko-San jumped in, Rika tried telling on you basically. Even though Shizuko-San is younger, she is in the position right beside Kureto, she's actually Kureto's daughter. "What's going on?" She asked, then saw Rika, "Rika, your off your team, this is the fifth time I've seen you in Narumi's room, and you know Naru-Chan is (Y/n)'s, do I have to explain it more clearly?" She asked darkly and held up her weapon (Any weapon really) and to Rika's neck. "Y-Yes Shizuko." Rika replied, "What was that? Call me Lieutenant Co-General Shizuko, you Baka." Shizuko responded with her famous roll of the eyes. "My apologies, Co-General." Rika said and ran out before Shizuko was going to kill her, "Have fun making babies, I'm off to scare her some more and probably head to a meeting. Bye!~" Shizuko cheered and left quickly. Narumi pinned you down and began unbuttoning your Jappenese Imperial Demon Army uniform after locking the door....
B. Kimi-Chan
You picked Kimi-Chan, he was so good at being a human rock but was terrible at it when you were around with your fabulous self. You went through and saw as Kimi-Chan was next to you, driving Mitsuba away, Mitsuba tried slapping you awake, but Kimi-Chan stopped her, Kimi-Chan shoved her out and locked the door. He kissed you, then began trailing down, Yanking off that Jappenese Imperial Demon Army uniform off.
C. Ku-Chan
You picked Ku-Chan, the door was already open. Shizuko, Kureto's 'daughter', was whispering in his ear, causing him to turn shades of scarlet and magenta. You giggled, Shizuko saw you, smirked deviously and then grabbed you into the room, began scribbling at inhuman speed on a sheet of paper, left while locking the door. Little did you two know, she put up a sign that said 'Having fun, don't disturb.' on Kureto's door. You went to Kureto, and began lustfully licking his neck. He moaned quietly, then both of you stripped naked...
D. Pervy-Chan
You picked Pervy-Chan and ran to the door, looking for your perverted man. You saw him pinning you down, all your clothes were gone, even your (Whatever Color) bra and panties. He began licking the bud....

I'm not gross okay? But if you want lemon, just let me know, I'm mature enough to write about it.

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