first task dragons

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A/N- so for this task im going to use the type of dragon hagrid had in stone(Norbert). The Norwegian Ridgeback. And the dragon from Gringotts. The Ukrainian Ironbelly. Enjoy. :)

Jas and i waited for SJ to get here. He was supposed to meet us here. Then he finally showed up.

SJ- whats up? Whats so important?

Jas- dragons.

Me- thats the first task.

SJ- who told you guys?

Jas- Harry.

Me- Cedric. Its fair. Everyone knows.

SJ- thanks guys. Im gonna go tell mom.

*****time skip to task******

We all sat in the tent with the champions, nervous. Mom was watching us.

Mom- alright. I know you two dont know me...

She pointed to fleur and Victor.

Mom-...but you guys are going to be fine. You all have trained. I hope.

She looked at Harry when she said 'i hope'.

Mom- you all are more then capable of fighting a dragon. You guys will win.

We all looked at mom and began pacing the floor again. Mom looked at us.

Mom- to much? Not enough?

SJ- it was good mom. Calmed me.

Jas- mom, we are fighing a dragon there is nothing you can say or do to calm our nerves.

Mom- im sorry, kiddos.

SJ- at least you two get to work together. You guys dont have to do this on your own.

Mom- hey. No fighting. Not right now.

Me- he's right mom. Two targets vs just one. You have a better chance with two instead of by yourself.

Mom sighed. Then she grabbed us all up in a hug. Just then a flash went off in Harry's direction. It was then we noticed Hermione in the tent. She had hugged Harry. In front of us stood Rita.

Rita- young love. How...stirring. if everything goes unfortunately today you two may even make the front page.

Krum- you have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends.

Rita- no matter. We've got what we wanted.

They took another picture. Then dumbledore came in.

Albus- good day, champions. Gather round, please. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only eight of you can fully appreciate. What are you doing here, miss. Granger?

Hermione- oh um sorry. I'll just go.

Albus- barty, the bag.

Crouch- Champions in a circle around me. Miss Delacour over her. Mr. Krum. And um, potter, mr. Potter, over here. That's right. now. Miss. Delacour if you will.

He opened the bag. She stuck her hand in the bag and pulled out a dragon.

Crouch- the welsh green. Mr. Krum.

He put his hand in the bag and pulled one out.

Crouch- the chinese fireball.

Crouch turned to SJ.

Crouch- the Ukrainian Ironbelly.

Crouch turned to cedric who put his hand in the bag.

Crouch- the swedish short-snout.

Me- whichever dragons left we are doomed with.

I whispered to Jas. He turned to us. Jasmine put her hand in and pulled one out.

Crouch- the Norwegian Ridgeback. Which leaves...

Harry- the Horntail.

Crouch- whats that boy?

Harry- nothing.

He put his hand in and pulled out the last dragon.

Crouch- the Hungarian Horntail. These represent seven very real dragons each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?

Silence as we all look at each other.

Albus- very well. Good luck, champions. Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may...

The cannon fired. Cedric turned to me and we nodded at each other. Then he walked out. We had talked and promised each other we would be safe. I heard the crowd scream Cedric's last name. I didnt watch i couldn't. One by one we left the tent. Cedric, Fleur, Victor, and SJ. Then it was our turn. We walked out the door and into the arena. There stood the dragon. The Norwegian Ridgeback. I had a bad feeling. I pulled out my wand.

Jas- ready?

Me- no.

We looked at each other. Then a tail split us apart. I jumped on a rock. I pointed my wand at the beast.

Me- bombarda!

The spell hit the dragon in the side causing him to turn to me. Oh, crap. I bolted behind a rock but my left leg got burned from the flame. I screamed out.

Jas- celina! Obscuro!

The dragon became blindfolded but only for so long.

Me- get the egg!

I pointed my wand at my burnt leg.

Me- geminio.

A small layer of ice covered the burn. I hissed in pain. Well, at least its going numb. I pulled myself up with the help of the rock but it was still hot causing me to burn my arm and hiss in pain again.

Me- aguamenti.

Water came from my wand onto the rock and then at the dragon. Jasmine managed to grab the egg. The dragon was contained and jas helped me to the healing tent. I was set down beside my brother.

SJ- what happened to you?

Me- burnt. what about you?

SJ- bit.

After a while mom came in.

Mom- everyone ok?

Jas- bruises and cuts are the worse we got.

Me- ive been burned literally.

Jas- besides that.

SJ- i got bit. Burns are better then being bit.

Me- my burns still sting. Your bite should not be hurting by now.

SJ- shut it, Cel, it still hurts.

Mom- no need to fight on who's bite or burn hurts worse. Come on lets go see professor Snape. Im sure he's got something that will make the pain go away.

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