The Yule ball

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Us champions walked into the ball room. Fleur and some boy. Viktor and Hermione. Cedric and Cho. Me and Draco. Jasmine and her best friend, Carter. Carter was a Gyffindor. Harry and one of the Petil twins(which twin was it?). And last was my brother, SJ and his date, May from Beauxbatons. We all stood in the middle of the room until the music came on. Cedric and I danced close to each other. Jasmine and Harry danced close to each other. Soon Snape and Mom joined in the dancing. Then Draco goes and steps on my foot.

Me- ouch, Draco, you stepped on my foot.

Draco- sorry.

The Music turned to a type of metal/rock. I danced with Cedric. Draco glared at him from the sidelines. I laughed when we crowd surfed Professor Flitwick.  The ball was soon over but there was an after party for Hogwarts students only.

I was head to the drink table to get Cedric and I something but Draco walked over to me.

Draco- Will you let me slytherin your bed tonight, sweetheart?

My cheeks began to burn. I looked down and shook my head. I noticed Charlie's scarf around my neck.

Me- oh...Charlie here's your scarf back.

I handed it to Charlie who was watching Draco and I. I was wearing hers because charlie ruined mine. As I walked away I heard Draco, with my legendary hearing, say:

Draco- dang she's hot.

I handed Charlie her scarf.

Me- I never thought a Slytherin would chase a Hufflepuff.

Char- I may have slipped him a love potion.

Me- where'd u get it? I know you didn't make it.

Char- I took it off Snape's desk.

I shrugged.

Me- it's not like Snape needed it anyway.

Char- that's mean, Celina.

I shrugged again and walked over to Cedric.

Me- hey Cedric.

Cedric- hey Cel, what's up?

Me- Charlie slipped Draco a love potion and now he's in love with me.

Cedric- why would she slip him a love potion?

Me- he teased me in the halls. So to get back at him she slipped him a love potion.

Cedric- if he tries to kiss you I'm going punch him. You're my girlfriend.

He looked down at me and I blushed.

Me- I wouldn't let him kiss me. Plus if I did he would have beat me in the hallway when he finds out.

Cedric- yea well I wouldn't let that happen, Cel, and I don't think your sisters would either.

Draco comes over and slips an arm around my waist.

Draco- hey hot stuff.

Cedric- hot stuff has a boyfriend if you didn't notice.

Cedric pulls me to him. Draco got angry.

Draco- get your hands off her she's mine.

Cedric- want to bet?

That's when mom walked over.

Mom- hey what's going on?

Mom stepped in between Draco and Cedric.

Draco- he stole Celina from me!

Mom gave us a confused look and charlie laughed.

Cedric- he's trying to take Celina from me.

Me- he's under a love potion.

Mom- a love potion? Do you know how dangerous a love potion is Celina!?!

Me- I didn't do it mom. Do you think I wanted HIM to fall for me when I already have a boyfriend?

Mom- Charlie, go get Professor Snape, please. Tell him to meet me in his classroom.

Charlie left to get Snape.

Mom- you three come with me.

Draco, Cedric, and I followed mom to the potions classroom. We waited for Charlie and Snape. Finally they showed up.

Snape- what's happened Luna?

Mom- Draco's under a love potion. He was after Celina.

Snape- Celina, do you know who gave him the love potion?

Snape stared at me and I nodded.

Me- I have an idea.

Snape- well, then who did it?

I could tell he was growing impatient. I looked over at Charlie.

Me- I'm sorry. I cant lie.

Snape looked at Charlie, eyebrow raised.

Snape- well?

Char- it was me.

Snape- detention for a week, Miss Black.

Then he walked away to get an anti-potion.

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