deathly hallow

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So there was a bunch of people meeting at harrys house to keep him safe. Including Jakayla and jasmine.  Charlie and I stayed  with molly. We waited for everyone to get back. Then george came back hurt. Jakayla ran to George. George lay on the couch his ear bleeding. Charlie and I ran to Jas in a hug.

Fred- how you feeling georgie?

George- saint-like.

Fred- come again?

George- saint-like. Im holey. Im holey, fred. Get it?

Fred- the whole wide world of ear-related humor and you go for im holey. Thats pathetic.

George- Reckon im still better looking than you.

Jakayla- you're way better looking then him.

George- of course youd say that.

Jaka gave George a kiss on the cheek.

Jakayla- im glad you're not dead.

George- me to Jaka.

Bill- madeyes dead. Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated.

Mom- i knew he was no good. Lets hope he never crosses my path because i will kill him.

We went to bed. The next day we were setting up for Fluer and Bills wedding. Mom was out in the yard helping set up the tent and we were in the house getting ready. We could hear everyone outside

Aruther- all together now. One two's it looking at your end, boys? 

Bill- brilliant. 

George- bloody hell. whats the minister of magic doing here? 

minister- i need to talk to harry Hermione Ron and Jasmine. 

We all turned to Jasmine as she walked downstairs. Soon night had fallen and the wedding party began. the music played loud and bright and the lights were dim. Us girls danced with our boyfriends. Cedric and I. Charlie and Fred. Jakayla and George. Ginny and Carter, Jasmine's friend. the only one not dancing was Jasmine and Harry.  Harry being to distracted and Jasmine never leaves his side. Luna Lovegood was here to. Mom sat at a table with Jamie.  We all stopped what we were doing when we heard a high whistling sound. a bright orb flew into the middle of everything. 

Orb- the ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. they are coming. 

then it disappeared and everyone started running to get out of the tent. then the tent was sat on fire and deatheaters came from every where. I saw Harry grabbed Jasmine then ran for Ron and Hermione. Then they disappeared. Jamie and mom grabbed us and Cedric and got out of there. Mom left us in the village and then went back to fight off the deatheaters. 

*time skip to hogwards*

Mom made us stay with grandpa in the Village. Deatheaters were in the castle and she didnt want us there. Jamie started to teach us a bunch of spells. We got to work making a bunch of necklaces charmed with protection spells. Then we gave them to the legends.

*time skip hogwarts*

The order burst through the great hall doors. Including us and Jamie. We saw snape and harry talking to each other.

Harry- im afraid its quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night? Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them.

Snape drew his wand but McGonagall got infront of Harry and pulled her wand. All the students moved aside. McGonagall threw spells but snape threw none back. He only blocked them. He blocked to spells and knocked out the crowes siblings behind him and disappeared.

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