Light and dark

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We all landed on the ground then got back up.

Ron- department of mysteries. They got that bit right, didnt they?

There was an arch to the Vail or was the arch the vail.

Harry- the voices. Can you tell what theyre saying?

Hermione- there arent any voices, Harry. Lets get out of here.

Luna- i hear them too.

Mom- so do I.

Hermione- Harry, its just an empty archway. Please Harry.

Mom- Hermione he sees something different then you do. Its a vail only those who have seen someone die can see it.

Harry turned around.

Harry- get behind me.

We all gathered behind harry. Mom stood beside him. Death eaters surrounded us again. This time taking everyone. Our wands gone as we were grabbed.

Lucius- did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?

Mom- theyre not children, Lucius.

Lucius- hush. I'll make this simple for you, potter. Give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die.

He looked around at us.

Neville- dont give it to him, Harry.

Harry slowly held it out to him. Light came from behind us.

Dad- get away from my godson and get your hands off my wife.

The dad punched lucius in the face. Mom quickly grabbed her wand as the order came to play. They fought the death eaters as they grabbed us kids.

Mom- Tonks!

Tonks- glad to see you safe.

Mom- my girls.

Tonks- on it.

Dad, tonks, moody, kingsley, and remus rescued us.

Dad- now, listen to me. Take the others and get out of here.

Harry- what? No, im staying with you.

Dad- Youve done beautifully. Now, let me take it from here.

Lucius- black.

Then they fought. Mom stood behind sirius. Us girl were together behind a huge rock fighting.

Bella- avada Kedavra.

The spell hit dad.

Mom- sirius!

Mom caught him before he fell back into the vail. Mom fell with him in her arms. We all scream and ran over to mom. Remus grabbed Harry. We hugged mom as she teleported us to grandpa. Right in the middle of the village. Mom let out a scream that echoed Throughout the forest. The elders took us away.

A/N- DO NOT WORRY MY DEAR READERS HE WILL LIVE AGAIN. just a reassurance before you get mad at me or something. :)

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