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Voldemort's army came back. Hagrid held Harry in his arms. Us girls stood next to mom.

Jas- his alive mom.

Mom- you feel it.

Jas- yes. I dont know how but i know his alive.

Ginny- who is that? Hagrids carring? Neville who is it?

Voldemort- Harry Potter is dead.

Ginny- no! No.

Voldemort- silence. Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth you'll put your faith in me. Harry potter is dead.

All the death eaters laugh.

Voldemort- and now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us or die.

Lucius- Draco. Draco.

Narcissa- Draco. Come.

Voldemort- ah well done Draco. Well done.

Voldemort hugged draco. If this day wasnt so bad we would have giggled at dracos face. Neville limped forward a little bit.

Mom- neville.

Voldemort- well, i must say id hoped for better.

The deatheaters laughted.

Voldemort- and who might you be young man?

Neville- neville Longbottom.

The deatheaters laughed some more.

Voldemort- well neville im sure we can find a place for you in our rank.

Neville- id like to say something.

Voldemort- well neville im sure wed all be fascinated to hear what you have to say.

Neville- it doesnt matter that harrys gone.

Seamus- stand down neville.

Neville- people die everyday. Friends, family. Yeah we lost harry tonight. Hes still with us. In here. So is fred, remus, tonks, all of them. They didnt die in vain. But you will. Because you're wrong. Harrys heart did beat for us. For all of us. Its not over.

Neville pulled the sword of gryffindor out of the sorting hat. Harry jumped out of hagrids arms. Deatheaters started to run and another fight started. Neville cut the head from the snake. harry killed Voldemort. And we all sat in the great hall together.

***time skip the forrest***

We were in the forrest. Us girls, mom, and the Weasleys. Fred, snape, sirius, and sj lay on beds side by side. 4 empty bed lay across from them. An elder lay in the one next to sj. Jamie's brother lay in the one next to snape. Andy lay in the one by Fred. The one by sirius lay empty. Jamie protested her brother taking the place of her love but grandpa ended that by saying:
(Gpa- is grandpa)

Gpa- there cant be rebirth without the sacrifice of another loved one.

Mom- but dad sirius...

Gpal- can wait a few minutes until after ive done the others.

Mom- but Andy...

Gpa- makes his own choices.

The elder took the life of SJ and SJ rose from the dead. He look to us and May his girlfriend.

Sj- whatd i miss?

We laughed and hugged him tight.

Sj- how long have i been died?

Mom- to long my son.

Gpa- are you ready, Jamison?

Jamies brother nodded.

Jamison- i'll meet you on the other side when your ready sister. No rush.

He grinned at her. Jamies had tears streaming down her face. Snape sat up quickly as the color faded from Jamison.

Gpa- now for the weasley.

Char- fred. His name is fred.

Gpa- right fred. Are you ready Andy?

Andy- yes sir. To the hall of our ancestors here I come.

Then fred rose from the dead. Andy lay lifeless. Atticus held mom back. He knew what was going to happen next.

Gpa- you know what to do Atticus.

Mom- dad. Dad dont.

Granpa laid down on the bed across from sirius.

Gpa- there can be no rebirth if there is no sacrifice of a loved one. Your mother did it for you. Now i will do it for your mate. Dont cry over me child. Im rejoining your mother. Take care of the pack Luna. Atticus will take your spot until your ready.

Mom- but dad...

Gpa- i love you my sweet little Luna. Take care of my beautiful pups.

Mom- i love you to daddy.

Mom whispered as grandpa lay dead and dad rose again. Atticus released mom and she ran for grandpa. Dad went over and wrapped mom in his arms.

Dad- im so sorry my love.

Mom- it was his choice. I had no say. But its ok. He is finally reunioned with my mother. The hole in his chest is filled once again.

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