Quidditch tryouts and the curse

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Today was gryffindor quidditch tryouts. I was going to watch with Jasmine, charlie, and Hermione.

Harry-Thanks. All right. This morning I'll be putting you all through a few drills to assess your strengths.

Ginny- SHUT IT!

Everyone became silent. Harry nods to Ginny.

Harry- now then remember just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear? Good.

Cormac- No hard feelings, Weasley, alright?

Ron- Hard feelings?

Cormac- yea, I'll be going out for Keeper as well. Nothing personal.

Ron- Really? Strapping guy like you, you've got a Beater's build, don't you think? Keeper needs to be agile, quick...

Cormac- I like my chances. Say... think you could introduce me to your friend Granger Wouldn't mind getting on a first name basis, know what I mean?

Cormac gives a wink and walks off. Hermione smiles and waves at Ron. My sisters are also watching except Jakayla who was trying out for the beaters potion. Try outs began and they start to play. Ginny and Ron made the team and so did Jakayla.

*********time skip*******

Leanne- I warned her. I warmed her not to touch it.

Mom- touch what?

She pointed to a package on the ground. Katie thrashes on the ground. Then I saw Katie Bell rises in the air. Her hair waving violently in the wind. Then She falls. Mom pulled out her wand.

Hagrid- dont get any closer. Get back! All of yeh!

Hagid picked her up.

Hagrid- do not touch that except for the wrappings do you understand?

Mom used her wand to pick it up and wrap it back up. Then they took it to dumbledore's office.

Mg-You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks, Leanne?

Leanne- It's like I said. She went to the loo and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important she deliver it.

Mg- Did she say whom?

Leanne- to professor Dumbledore.

Mg- very well, thank you, Leanne. You may go. Why is it when something happens is always you three and one or all of the black sisters? Hm?

Ron- Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years.

Snape walks in.

Mg- Severus.

Snape- Is this it?

McGonagall nods. Snape takes out his wand, lifts the necklace. Eyes it with fascination.

Mg- What do you think?

Snape- I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive.

Harry- She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie. Off the Quidditch pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly.

Mg- Yes. She was cursed.

Harry- It was Malfoy.

Mg- That's a very serious accusation, Potter.

Snape- Indeed. Your evidence?

Harry- I just know.

Snape- You. just. know. Once again you astonish with your gifts, Potter, gifts mere mortals could only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One.

mg- I suggest you return to your dormitory. All of you.

We all leave expect mom and Snape.

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