Quidditch World Cup

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Over the summer Cedric and I got together. We all stayed with Weasley house because we were going with them to the Quidditch World Cup. After breakfast we set out with Mr. Weasley.

Harry- Ron where are we Actually going?

Ron- I don't know. Hey, Dad where are we going?!

Arthur- I haven't the foggiest. Keep up.

We kept walking until we came across Amos Diggory.

Amos- Arthur! its about time, son.

Arthur- sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry.

Then Cedric came down from a tree.

Arthur- and this strapping young lad must be Cedric. And am I right?

Cedric- yea sir. this way.

Cedric lead the way. I walked beside him. We all walked up a hill.

Amos- yes, it's just over there. Shall we?

Arthur- oh yeah. We don't want to be late.

Amos- Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position.

We all gathered around a boot. Cedric had put his arm around me.

Harry- why are they all standing around that manky old boot?

Fred- that isn't any manky old boot.

George- it's a Portkey.

Amos- time to go.

Harry- what's a Portkey?

We all grabbed the boot.

Amos- ready! After three. One...two...

Arthur- Harry!

Harry grabbed onto it.

Amos- three!

The Portkey took off.

Arthur- let go kids.

Hermione- what?!

Arthur- let go!

We all let go one by one. All the us landed on our backs but Cedric and the adults.

Amos- I'll bet that cleared up your sinuses, eh? Total shambles, as per usual.

We walked up the hill to see the tents.

Amos- go on, look at that!

Arthur- well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup.

We started to walk to our tent.

Arthur- stay together. Keep up, girls.

Amos- parting of the ways, I think, old chap. See you at the match.

Arthur- see you.

We found our tent. It was a normal small sized tent.

Arthur- home sweet home.

The twins went in first.

Harry- what?

Then Ginny, Hermione, Ron, us, and Arthur. Mom followed Arthur in and Harry followed mom.

Arthur- excellent, excellent.

Hermione- Ginny look.

We looked round the tent.

Arthur- girls, choose a bunk and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry.

Twins- yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!

Arthur- feet off the table.

Twins- feet off the table.

Harry- I love magic.

We all settled into our beds.

-----time skip to Quidditch match----

Ron- Blimey, dad. How far up are we?

lucius- well, put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know.

draco- father and i are in the ministers box by personal invitation by Cornelius fudge himself.

lucius- dont bost draco. theres no need with these people.

harry grabbed Hermiones arm and went to turn around when lucius put his cane on harrys foot.

lucius- do injoy yourself. while you can.

he smiled and we left. he were all the way at the top.

arthur- come now. take your seats. i told you these seats would be worth waiting for.

the twins started yelling and the irish team fly over our heads.

------skip quidditch match-----

we were in the tent and the boys were singing and dancing.

Ron- there's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist.

Ginny- think you're in love Ron?

Twins- Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!

Then Harry joins the twins in singing.

Twins+Harry- when we're apart my heart beats only for you!!

Screaming came from outside.

Fred- sounds like the Irish have got their pride on.

Arthur- stop! stop it. its not the Irish. We've gotta get out of here now.

We all exit the tent. Everyone's running and screaming. We look over to see death eaters.

Arthur- get back to the portkey everybody, and stick together. Fred, George....Ginny is your responsibility.

Then we all run with the crowd. I felt Charlie grab my hood and dragged me behind mom. We follow Fred and George. we got close to the port key.

Charlie- where's jasmine?

Mom- get to the portkey. I will go find jasmine.

We ran with Fred and George back to the portkey.

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