Ashley POV

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Wow. What a surprise seeing her again. I hadnt seen her in almost a year, she looked as good as she did back then! Though it was a while before I realised who she was, who knew people look completely different without their clothes on. Andy seemed to like her too, though I wasnt too sure he was pleased she was in our hotel room while he was in the shower and I had been alone with her while he was in there. "What was that all about?" I quizzed. He pushed past me lightly not even looking at me as he passed, he turned about half way across the room " Nothing, it wasnt about anything. Talk to who you wish. Im not going to stop you. I dont rule you." He walked to the door and opened it, he walked out and shut the door behind him.

I stood in the doorway to the bathroom not knowing what to do with myself, a few moments passed and I plucked up the courage to to after him. Grabbing my jacket and the key on the way out, I put the key in the lock and locked it quickly not wanting to loose Andy. He couldnt have got that far in a few moments, I shoved the key in my pocket and bolted for the staircase. I scanned the lobby, he wasnt there Cc and Jake were but they werent who I was looking for. I ran out the door and into the street. Andy was walking briskly down the street looking back every now and again, he spotted me in the lobby doorway and began walking quicker.

I had no idea what i had done wrong all I knew is that I had to find Andy, soon, and we had to talk. It wasnt going to be easy if he kept running away from me like this all the time. "Andy. Andy! Wait! Please!" I called down the street but he ignored me or didnt hear me. Andy was a fast walker I could give him that, the city's busy streets may have helped him too. By the time I reached him we were outside a coffee shop and I was really out of breath. Andy sighed and walked inside. At least he was giving me a chance to sit down and talk about it instead of running away from me.

(A/N Sorry for the long wait people been really distracted for some reason. I forgot about my story for a while but im back now!!)

Drunken Ways & Wild Nights;An Andley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now