Chapter 1

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Xandra's POV:

I stormed out of my house, fury surging through me. I ran down the dark street of my neighbourhood, the street lamps illuminating my path. My breath came in big huffs, it was getting harder to breath so I slowed my pace to a fast walk. I had no idea where I was going, I just knew I had to get away.

How is this fucking possible?! How can it be possible...this must be some sick dream. I thought to myself as I slowed my pace even more to a slow walk, I was near the park. I looked up at the dark sky and saw heavy rain clouds, their tears threatening to spill over the world.

I looked around the park, and I spotted a bench and sat down quietly. No one else was in the park as it was about to rain, the air hung heavy.

I put my head in my hands and reality hit me like a tidal wave. My heart felt like it was being crushed into a million pieces and I felt like I couldn't live anymore.

They are gone. They are gone and no one cares. I thought, but I didn't cry. I couldn't cry, there were no tears, all I felt was stone.

I felt drops of water on my shoulders and on the back of my neck, I looked up and felt the rain start. I didn't move, I just closed my eyes and let the cold tears from the clouds fall on my face and wash away my pain. My black hair got completely drenched, but I didn't care, I could sit here forever.

I sat back against the bench.

"Hey why are you out here alone in this cold?!" I heard a husky voice a few meters away say to me, I looked over and saw a tall man with jet black hair standing there with an umbrella in his hand and a concerned look on his face. He looked familiar.

Shit...who dafuq is this now. I thought, standing up.

"I could ask you the same" I said

He smirked, "at least I have protection from the rain"

"Yea, but you need it. I don't" I said, I then noticed I was shaking slightly. I tried to still myself

The man looked at me skeptically, "Are you sure about that?" 

"Yea" I said, "What are you doing out here anyways" changing the subject

"Oh, I was taking a walk in the rain. I love the rain, it clears my head and helps me think of new songs" he said, smiling. He had a dazzling smile.

"Songs?" I said, I blinked and rain rolled down my face and down my shirt, I shivered.

"Here," he said coming closer and covering me with the umbrella, we were both now under the umbrella "That's better. And yea, songs. I'm in a band" 

I looked up at him, smiling gratefully. I then noticed he had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, the most crystal blue. 

"I didn't catch your name miss" he said, smirking

I snapped out of my staring, looking away. "My name is Xandra, Zan for short" I said quickly

"Well, nice to meet you Zan, my name is Andy" he said, smiling again.

"nice to meet you Andy" I said, I looked down at my watch and was startled to see the time. "Is it that time already? Will they be worrying about me..." I said quietly

"Who?" Andy said

"Oh...the people at my place" I said, looking at the ground. The events of the day hitting me again.

"Well would you like some company on your way home?" Andy said

"I don't know...I think I will be ok" I said, walking away.

"Oh...ok...well can I get your number at least?" he said, catching up to me

I turned around, astonished. "what?" I said

"Uh...your number...?" he said again

"Oh...sure" I gave him my number and walked home quickly, smiling softly.

Andy's POV:

I watched as Xandra walked away.

Huh...that was weird, I have never felt nervous asking a girl for their number before.

I walked through the rest of the park, the sound of the rain calming my mind, then my phone rang, a harsh sound in the quiet peace of the rain.

I picked it up, "Hello?" I said

"ANDY WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Juliet through the phone

"In the park..." I said

"Why aren't you home!?"

"Because I was walking"

"No shit! Get home now" She said, hanging up.

Love you too.... I turned off my phone and turned around and walked towards my car, getting in reluctantly.

Hey guys, Feedback?? Thnx all

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