Chapter 19

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Andy's POV:

I stood alone in the kitchen, thinking about what I needed to do.

Find Xandra, and find her fast. I looked out the window and saw the snow coming down heavily, the wind making it almost look sharp.

I went upstairs and grabbed two sweaters, slipping one on and putting on my coat.

I need to find her quickly...

shes out there alone!

I snapped out of my numb state and ran down the stairs and whipping the door open. As soon as my phone connected to the car I called Xandra's phone

one ring...two....three...

No answer.

"SHIT" I yelled in frustration, I sped the car down the road in the direction I saw her walking. I tried to look through the blinding snow but it was difficult

I knew she was wearing dark clothing so that would help.

I drove the car near the curb, looking carefully at the ground if I could see ANY trace of footprints or something

I could barely see them

But it was there

But it wasn't what I wanted to see.

I stopped the car and got out, almost getting knocked over by the wind as snow attacked my body

I went over to the red spots in the snow and knelt down, I couldn't tell which way the fell because of the wind but I knew it was Xandra

Of course I saw the faded scars on her arms, I never said anything because it was obviously under control. She had obviously stopped cutting...but I guess she had a breaking point.

"XANDRA!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, my voice carried through the wind but got washed away quickly buy harsh sounds of the snow storm

I walked forward as the snow got thicker, I almost ran as I got desperate to find her.

She may be bleeding and freezing and its my fault.

The blood was long covered by the time I had made it to a little house by the edge of the street, it was one of the only houses on the street.

 Maybe they saw her...any chance at all I need to take it. I will go to the other house over there too...

I walked up the slippery steps of the little house, and knocked on the door quickly as I moved my freezing hair out of my face. I quickly hid my cold hands in my pockets.

An old lady opened the door, she had wispy grey hair that fell around slim shoulders

"Yes dear what is it? Are you here to return what that girl stole from me" she said quietly, I had to strain to hear what she said

"What girl!?" I grabbed at strings, "what did she look like!?"

"She was shorter than you but taller than me...she had black hair. Quite nice hair indeed, her eyes...they look so scared. Ice blue they were...almost silver. She came up to my door, there was snow on her shoulders and in her hair even! She wanted to go to the washroom, trailing snow through the house, but she didn't go to the washroom she just went straight to the kitchen and stole one of my best knives! The little devil stole my mothers best knives"

"Is that all?!" I said frantically

"no she ran off, that way I think" she pointed a long boney finger in the direction I was walking before

"thank you for your time!" I yelled as I ran in that direction

She has a knife and she is this cold...please be ok Xandra

My legs soon got tired and numb from the cold, I couldn't run anymore all I could do was walk slowly forward until I saw a dark shape about 100 meters in front of me.

I walked forward a little faster, trying to catch up with the walking shape. I looked at the ground as I got closer and saw blood trailing behind the shape.


"Xandra! Xandra please! Xandra stop!" I yelled as loud as I could, my lungs stung from the cold wind, snow bit at my face

The figure stopped and looked around, I took my chance and mustered all the energy I could summon and ran forward towards Xandra

It was Xandra, her hair was frozen and arms were bare to the cold wind and snow

"Xandra" I said as I pulled her back from her walk, I surrounded her in as much warmth as I could give, I felt something warm on the side of my chest as her arms wound around me

"Andy...?" she said slowly and sluggishly

"Xandra never do that again! You could have died" the warmth on my side got bigger as I looked down at her arm, red lines were all over it and words were written there.

"Zan what have you done love..." I said quietly, the wind started to die down a little but the snow still held strong. "Come on we need to get back home!" I said, trying to pull her back to my car

"No" she said, pulling away "no you have Juliet you don't want me" she said, her voice hoarse from the cold

"no its not like that at all, can we have this discussion when we are in a warmer setting!?" I frantically said

She paused as her eyes started to droop, "sure...maybe I should take a nap too" she said

"no no no don't sleep! please just walk with me!" I took her ice hands and pulled her along, her legs barely moving, I soon picked her up bridal style and walked faster

I took off my coat and put it around her cold shoulders, trying my best to give her warmth. "Come on!" I yelled, "I wont loose you" I walked faster, ignoring the cold

We had made it to the little house, I walked on and soon saw my car as I sighed in relief. I opened the car door and put Xandra in, I got in myself and started the car putting the heat on trying to warm up Xandra.

We need to get to her a hospital.

**time/setting change**

I sat in the waiting room of the dreary hospital, I was surrounded by sniffing and coughing bodies. I sat forward and put my head in my hands, moving my hair away from my eyes, I sighed in frustration

please be ok...

Thnx for reading guys! Its not the end dw dw but I just need if u have any comment or message me!

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