Chapter 9

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Xandra's POV:

Andy dropped me off at Kits place and drove off, I walked up the steps of Kits house and knocked softly

Kit swung open the door almost immediately and tackled me into a hug, "I'm so sorry Zan" was the first thing she said to me

I hugged her back, "I'm fine don't worry about me" I said, "lets get inside" there was still ice pellets on the ground from the earlier hail storm

We walked inside and to Kits room to get ready for my date, we chattered about the least serious stuff you can imagine. We avoided talking about my parents at all cost

"Ok, do you want makeup on or no?" Kit said after doing my black hair, it now fell softly straight against my back

"Yea sure, just my eyes or something" I said quietly, I was thinking about what Andy was planning on this date. Kit quickly did my makeup  around my silver eyes and stood up

She gasped, "You look awesome! You need shoes tho..." she went over to her closet and got out silver heels, they looked like they had mirrors on them

"wow! These are awesome thanks darling" I said, taking the shoes and putting them on. I twirled in front of the mirror when my phone buzzed, I went over to it and read what it said

"Hey, ill pick you up in about 10 minuets? Or do you want me to wait longer?" Andy texted me

yea, you can pick me up I'm ready :) I sent to him, I then turned around

"Ok, well Andy is going to pick me up soon. Thanks for helping me out Kit" I hugged her

"No problem, have fun. And be safe" she laughed as I looked at her in horror

"I doubt it will get that far you fish head" I laughed with her, then walked out of the room. "Ok well I got to go, Andy will be here soon. I will see you later ok? And ill call you after the date to tell you all about it" I said smiling mischievously at Kit

"Yea ok, my boyfriend is picking me up too, in fact Reco should be here soon" Kit said grabbing her purse, "Ill talk to you later!" she walked out the door and I went after her, I waited on the porch as Reco came and picked Kit up

I waited for Andy, it was still cold outside but not too bad. I looked over at Kit's neighbors and saw they were doing last season bbq, the smell of the meat brought back a flood of memories


"Xandra sweetie, come downstairs! Lunch is almost ready!" my mum yelled from the kitchen, I ran downstairs as fast as my toddler legs would let me

"Yay! Mom what kind of sandwiches did you make?" I asked my mum quickly, the soft sunlight filtered into the white kitchen and spread across my mothers deep brown hair

"They are your favvvvorite! Hamburgers not sandwiches silly duck" my mum turned around and picked me up, putting me on her hip, "now, do you think you can bring daddy a sandwich?"  her soft green eyes looked at mine, happiness and peace was deep inside them

"Yes of course mommy!"  my mom planted a quick kiss on my cheek and set me down again, she handed me a plate carefully with the hamburger on it

"Now, be careful and go slow down the porch steps ok?" My mum said softly, but sternly

"Yes mum" I said, turning around and walking out of the kitchen. I got to the porch and went down the stairs slowly,  the warm air surrounding me, then my dad came around the corner of the house

"Hey there you little rascal," my father said laughing "is that delicious food for me?"

"Yes daddy! Mum made it for you!" I said happily, walking over to him carefully, the green grass flowed softly in the warm breeze

"Well I suppose I better thank her then shouldn't I?" he said, kneeling down to my height and ruffling up my hair

"yes daddy" I said laughing, "I suppose you should"

My mum walked outside, a plate in hand

"Thanks darling for the food" my dad got up and walked over to my mum, planting a small kiss on her lips

"Ewwwww grossss!" I yelled, covering my eyes

My parents laughed

*end of flashback*

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Andy honking the horn to his car, I looked up and walked over to him, the cold wind biting at my skin, "hey Andy" I said quietly

"Hey Zan, you look stunning" he said, looking me up and down, I blushed

"thanks Andy"

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