Chapter 22

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Xandra's POV:

Wake up!

Wake up

For Andy you must wake up

The cold is leaving my bones, I can open my eyes to see his.

Suddenly everything popped and sound flooded my ears, my senses came back to me and I could smell. I heard a door open and close softly at my side, I tried to move my fingers as much as I could.

One finger moved slowly, then two then all of my fingers clenched into a fist then stretched out. I wanted to open my eyes but I felt alone.

I am alone...Andy where are you? Why are you not here...

I heard a beeping sound next to my head, it beeped in the same pace as my heart.

Wait am I in a hospital!?

I cant remember anything...

I heard the door open again, it closed a few seconds after again. I heard someone walking towards my bed, the smell of coffee filled the room. I heard a chair creak as someone sat beside me, that person took my hand. The hand was warm and comforting.

"Xandra...please if you can hear me..." a voice said next to me


I wanted to open my eyes to see him but I was so tired, I tried and tried to lift my eyes out of the darkness but I couldn't see.

I couldn't move my feet either, or my head.

I could move nothing but my few fingers.

"Xandra if you can hear me do something..."

I mustered all my energy, I didn't know why it took so much the second time but it took all my willpower to move one finger

I heard a gasp beside me and I also heard a plastic cup being set down on a table near my bed.

"Xandra...? Xandra did I imagine that?" Andy's voice was hopeful, I even heard a smile on his voice

I moved my finger again, this time two fingers trying to convey that I was still here.

Andy please believe me I'm still alive for now...

I felt Andy's hand leave mine and him running out.

He left...?



no no no!

He couldn't have just left me

My heart rate shot up as I heard the door open again, this time more voices and footsteps came along with it.

I heard someone walk up to me quickly

"Miss Xandra, I am Doctor Stevens" he took my other hand, Andy took the other "If you can hear me, move your fingers, your feet...anything to indicate to us that you are able to hear us"

Again I did everything in my power to move.

All I could do was tap the doctors hand lightly, but I think that was all the proof he needed.

Hey! Sorry for ending it like that lol, idk if u can tell but I'm home bc I slept in :P so I'm just writing a lot lol have a good day!!

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