Chapter 23

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Andy's POV:

They rushed me out of the room the second Xandra responded to the doctors words. I went back to the waiting room and sat alone there, my head in my hands.

She is ok...she is alive...she is still in there.

I sat there for I don't know how long, I hummed to myself quietly as time passed by slowly. I ran my hands through my hair the longer I sat there alone.

A few people passed through the waiting room, some sitting and waiting just like me.

Waiting to hear the news

The news of death or life.

It got very very quiet in the hospital, everyone in the room shifted and looked around sadly at the dim walls. I could hear the clock on the wall ticking by slowly.

A doctor came down the hallway, clipboard in hand. His glasses slipped down his nose as he looked down at the sheet.

"Mr. Biersack" he said in a monotone voice, I got up and walked over to him.

"Yes...?" I said warily

"Come with me please" the doctor turned on one heel and walked back down the hallway again, leaving me trailing behind him uncertainly.

We got to a small room, it was at the end of the hallway.

"This is Xandra's room, she is alright. We are pleased she woke up from her coma so quickly. We didn't expect her to wake up for another few days but the sooner the better we suppose. her vitals look stable and she should be able to go home tonight. We brought her fully out of the coma so now she can move and talk. You can go in if you wish" he said, then walked away not leaving me any time for questions

"Ok thank you..." I said, I opened the door slowly. A sense of deja vu coursed through me as I stepped in the smaller room. This one had a window as sunlight filtered in from the cold outside and spread on Xandra's sleeping form like a warm blanket

I walked over to her and sat down on the bed, she shifted and opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the light.

"Hey Zan" I said quietly

She looked at me, "Andy?" she said rubbing her eyes and trying to sit up.

"Yes love, now lay back down. You can come home tonight if you want to, I will just need to go and sign the papers of your release and everything" I said, taking her hand looking down at our hands again.

"Yea that would be nice..." she yawned, "ill just get some sleep while you do that k..." she was soon asleep.

I laughed quietly and kissed her hand before I left the room, I went to the front desk with a lot lighter mind set.

I signed the papers and went back to Xandra.

I wont let you leave me again Zan...I will help you and protect you a lot more from now often. I will keep this promise, I have failed it before but I will do my best to keep it this time.

Time/setting change

Xandra's POV:

I was very tired still as Andy and I drove home, not much was said but we didn't care. We were both too tired to say much.

I plucked up enough courage to speak though, "thank you" was all I said. I looked down at my arm, it was wrapped up tightly.

The scars wont stay forever then.

Andy didn't say anything.

We turned into his driveway and walked back into his house.

"Hey Zan..." Andy said as I went over to my stuff in the living room.

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