Chapter 15

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Xandra's POV:

I went to the door and examined the crack, I frowned as I noticed it extended the whole way from the bottom to the top of the door. I grazed my hand across the crack slowly before opening the door

That will be a memory of Juliet until its fixed...

I stepped outside and was bombarded with cold wind, I shivered. Andy walked up behind me, the sun came out hesitantly from behind a cloud

"Hey ill get you a sweater of mine ill be right back" he walked back inside and I made my way over to the car I saw a glint in the grass beside the car. I went over to it and picked up a little round object, mud was stuck in it. I cleaned the little object and saw what it was.

It was a beautiful ring, it had two blue sapphires and a large diamond. I cleaned the diamond more and moved it to the sun, a rainbow shone around the ring when sunlight hit it. I looked closer at it and saw it wasn't very well cared for, there were scratches on the silver part of the ring and it looked unpolished.

I turned around to see Andy behind me, holding a large black sweater. He was staring at my hands in horror, he walked over to me quickly taking my the hand that was holding the ring.

"Where did you find this..." Andy said, opening my hand and looking at the ring "this was the promise ring I gave to Juliet..." he looked away ashamed

"I found it in the grass..." I picked it up with my other hand and held it between my fingers "what are you going to do with this?"

Andy took the ring, "most likely sell it, I have no use for it anymore" he handed me the sweater and I slipped it on gratefully, we got in the car and drove off towards Edna's home.

"Do you want to hear some music from our band?" Andy said when we were about half way to Edna's place

"Yes! I would love to!" I said eagerly

"Awesome..." he put a CD in "This is 'Crown of thorns'"

The song started and I nodded my head along with the music, I was amazed at the pure talent of this music. And even more amazed I was sitting in the car with this amazing musician.

I was smiling like an idiot through the whole song this music is did I not listen to this before?!

We got closer to Edna's home as the song ended, "that. was. AMAZING!" I exclaimed, turning towards Andy and smiling widely

He smiled, "I'm glad you like that, you can listen to our other music sometime if you would like. Ill get you the albums if you want that is"

"I would love that thank you!" we turned into the driveway and my smiled faded, I looked at Andy "hey you should stay here...let me deal with Edna"

Andy reached over and moved some hair out of my face, a gentle movement "Ok, wave to me if you need anything...ill be right here so I will see everything"

"Ok" I got out of the car and went up to the front door, and knocked on it slowly

I heard someone walking up to the door, and it swung open. I was standing before the one and only Edna. The only thing separating us was a screen door

"Hey I allowed in again?" I said warily

Edna sniffed at me, "fine, but only because I need you to help with emptying your parents' house. From now on you will do as I say understood?"

I muttered incoherently as Edna opened the door slowly, I turned back to Andy waving.

"I hope you don't mind but I would love some help with my parents stuff" I said as Andy came towards me, his long legs letting him get to me quickly. Edna was staring at him the whole time

Wretched and Divine-An Andy Biersack FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now