Chapter 11

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Andy's POV:

"Thanks Charlie" I said as he led us across the large dining area of the prestigious restaurant, Xandra looked around in amazement at the large room

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking...where is the Lady Simms?" Charlie said quietly, as to not let Xandra hear. I tensed up involuntarily slightly, tightening my grip on Xandra's arm

"Her and I are no longer together" I said, I swept my hair away from my face as we got to our table

"Here is your seat sir, enjoy your meal" Charlie walked off, when passing Xandra he said "good day miss" Xandra nodded in response

I took Xandra's soft hands and led her to a chair, pulling it out for her

Xandra's POV:

I had over heard what Andy and Charlie had talked about, he used to take is Ex here apparently...I wonder who she is

Andy pulled out a chair for me, we both sat down at the round table. I looked around the room we were going to have dinner, one wall was clear glass over looking a field. The field had fairy lights, there was snow softly falling outside and the breeze blew softly, moving the falling snow in swirls around the lights.

There were candles on our table, illuminating the area in a soft light.


"Who was the girl you brought here before me?" I blurt out without thinking, I looked sharply at Andy watching his reaction

He looked up from his menu, I went red looking away

"Her name was Juliet, my ex girlfriend" Andy said easily

I looked at him again, "I don't mean to pry but..." should I ask? I sorta want to know..."Why did you break up with her...?"

Andy looked down at his menu again, his black hair falling in front of his flawless skin, his shoulders slumped just a little

"She was very controlling and abusive" Andy said softly, putting his menu down. He took my hand from across the table. "She always needed to know where I was, I needed her permission to even go out for a walk. She didn't trust me at all. She hit me. I wasn't going to put up with that anymore so I broke it off...we were together for a long time. So long in fact that I gave her a promise ring, I was prepared to live forever with her." he sat back, "but times change I guess"

I looked at him sympathetically, I squeezed his soft hands "Andy I'm so sorry, she shouldn't have done that to you. You don't deserve that"

"Does anyone really?" he said, looking at our entwined hands. The candle light defining his strong features, casting shadows to one side of his face. His hair shone.

I didn't notice I was staring at him until he looked at me, his blue eyes sparkling. I shook my head and sat back, smiling at Andy

How am I sitting here with him?! 

I picked up my menu and looked through the selections, I went to the hamburger area without even thinking and picked out a big onion and cheese burger. I licked my lips just thinking about the food

"So what are you going to have Zan?" Andy said quietly

"Probably a burger" I said, still looking closely at the menu.

Andy didn't say anything, I looked up and he was staring at me, a surprised look on his face

"What is there something on my face?" I said, wiping my cheeks just in case

"No its just I have never been on a date with a girl and they didn't pick salad" he said, smiling at me widely

"What id rather not starve" I laughed

The waiter came around, "Hello, I am Steve and I will be taking your order today. May I start you off with drinks?"

"Yea, just a bottle of Hershey Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon, Howell mountain please" (that's a legit wine btw, I looked it up)

"Yes sir, are we also ready to take orders of the food? Miss?" he already started writing

"Yea the onion cheeseburger" Andy watched the waiter carefully

Steve's pen flew off the page, his eyes widened and he stared at my smiling face

"u-uh come again?"

"She said a burger Steve, do you need your ears checked?" Andy said forcefully

"Yes sir, I mean no sir I mean uh" Steve said flustered

"Come now, pull yourself together it cant be that big of a shock" I said

"Yes mam, sir your order?" Steve said, sorting himself out quickly

"Ill have the same actually" Andy said, smiling mischievously at me

"Of course, ill be right back with that" Steve walked away quickly, I burst out laughing

Andy and I talked happily, the warm atmosphere surrounding us. Music started playing in the background, soft violin. It was very skilled, I looked over at the musician and he smiled at me, he had longish black hair.

I leaned over, "Hey you know that violinist?"

"Oh him? Yea that's Jinxx, he's in my band. He plays the rhythm guitar and some violin for out band, even sometimes backup vocals. I myself sing main vocals for our band"

I looked at him in astonishment, "You can sing? Your in a legit band? damn...."

Andy laughed, "Yep, in seems as if the rest of my band is here. Looks like they followed us here" he looked around, he pointed out another man, also with black hair "That's CC and sitting beside him is Ashley" I looked at them both, they smiled at me and looked at Andy laughing, Andy shook his head, "CC plays drums and Ashley plays bass, even vocals sometimes as well"

"Wow Andy! Your band is amazing!" I turned my head and Andy was very close to my face, his eyes were lit up with pride

"That's not the whole band though," he pointed to the other side of the room "That's Jake and Ella" indicating to a couple. (ps idk if they are still together, I'm sorry if they aren't)  "Jake plays the lead guitar, and Ella is together with Jake"

In the time Andy was explaining the band to me, he had slid closer to me. His arm was now in mine and our shoulders were bumping

I looked over at Andy, our heads were mere centimeters apart, I could feel Andy's soft breath ruffle my eyelashes. I looked him in the eyes, getting lost in the sea of crystal blue in front of me. Andy started to lean in when the violin music suddenly got faster then slower, sounding awful. I looked at Jinxx and he was smiling devilishly, he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I blushed deep red

I felt Andy turn my head quickly, he captured my lips. His hand was on my cheek, stroking it softly as he kissed me slowly, I heard a wolf whistle come from beside us. Andy broke off the kiss and looked at CC and Ashley, they were laughing silently

"Your food?" a waiter said, grabbing our attention. He was holding 2 plates, both of them had larger burgers on them , the waiter set down the food and walked off, another waiter came and brought us our wine.

"Enjoy" Andy said

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