Chapter 6

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Andy's POV:

I woke up an hour late that morning, I got up. My room looked too empty now that Juliet was gone.

I didn't know how much stuff Juliet actually had at my place. My room actually looks so barren.

I went out of my room and went to the kitchen, looking out my window. My first thought went to Xandra.

Should I call her? Would it be weird?


I took out my phone and called Xandra, my heart beating a little faster. The wind outside crashed against the windows. I dialed Xandra's number

One answer. Why didn't she pick up? is she sleeping? Maybe I should wait a bit before texting her

I went back to my room and got dressed quickly, and then made myself a coffee.

I stepped outside, coffee in hand. The wind had died down as I looked down at a puddle, ice rimmed the edges. Waves softly undulated across the surface, I took a deep breath of peace.

I decided to text Xandra. Hopefully shes awake by now

hey its Andy, are you asleep? I called you

I waited calmly, until my phone buzzed.

"Andy! You need to call the cops and get over here now! My uncle is drunk and going after us, you need to help us"

My heart raced, I threw out the coffee in the grass and slammed the cup down

What?! I'm coming now! I will call the cops! Are you ok? Did he do anything to you? If he did I will kill him!

I shot out of my seat, and inside. I grabbed the keys to my car and raced out of the house, I didn't bother getting a coat as I had a jacket in my car. my phone buzzed again as I turned on my car. My phone connected to the GPS and Calling system in my car. "phone connected" rang out throughout my car "one new message, read or ignore?"

"Read!" I yelled, shooting out of my driveway and down the road

"one new message from Xandra: "No I'm fine Andy d w, just come quickly so he doesn't find us k?"

"Ok I will be there soon d w" I yelled, the message sent. "call the police"

"Call police?"

"Yes!" the sound of a phone ringing went sounded from the speakers as I waited anxiously for the police to pick up, the wind outside picked up again and I turned on the heater as I turned onto a new street

I will be there soon Xandra, with help.

Xandra's POV:

Nothing...I couldn't hear one sound coming from outside the bathroom as I sat tensely against the door.

*BANG BANG BANG* Jack hit the door with as much force as his drunk hands could muster, I jumped out of my skin and Edna burst into tears. I tried to shut Edna up quietly, putting my finger to my mouth urgently

I looked around the bathroom again, I held the knife tightly. If Jack managed to get in I would be able to defend Edna and I.

I don't know how much time passed while I sat there unmoving, I knew it was enough time for Edna to stop crying and for me to stop feeling my legs properly. My breath came shakily and Edna was gasping quietly.

We were both terrified.

I heard a screech coming from outside the house and a car door slamming shut


"WHOSS THERE?" I heard Jack yell, and I heard a noise come from outside the bathroom door and go towards the front door

He was sitting there the whole time? Fucking hell determination

"Xandra?!" I heard Andy's deep voice yell, "Xandra where are yo-" he cut off when Jack cut in


"Xandra, she should be here where is she you drunk idiot!" Andy yelled, sounding pissed.

I decided it was now or never to get Andy's help. "ANDY!" I yelled once, I heard a deep animal like growl come from Jack as he stomped over to the door

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" He kicked the door and I heard someone run at Jack

"Get the fuck out of here!" I heard Andy yell, he was struggling against Jack, "Xandra get out, get ou-" he was cut off, he sounded choked

I got up quickly, almost falling over as my legs were asleep, I stumbled out of the bathroom to see Andy on the ground with Jack on top of him choking him, Jacks weight held Andy down completely he couldn't do anything. He was slowly being choked to death, small choked sounds came from his mouth

I heard the wind crashing against the side of the old house, and sirens in the distance. It started to hail outside, the ice clattering against the windows

Andy got weaker, I jumped into action completely forgetting about Edna. I ran and jumped at Jack, crashing all of my body weight against the bigger man. Granted I didn't have much weight but it threw Jack completely off balance, giving Andy air.

He turned over and coughed, breathing deeply. His shoulders slumped as he weakly tried to get up

"Andy are you ok?!" I tried to go over to him, but I felt my Uncle grab my leg, I tried to kick him in the face but he grabbed both of my feet

"LET ME GO BITCH!" I fell over as Jack tried to get up while holding my still numb legs, he didn't do so well as I was struggling against him, I swung the knife near his face "Let me go or you will regret it!" I swung the knife again and nicked the edge of Jacks eyebrow, causing him to stand suddenly hence letting go of my legs

I shuffled away from Jack and went to Andy, I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me breathing easier again

"Are you ok?!" Andy's frantic voice said, he stood up and someone yelled from outside

"Police! Open up!" I heard, Jack froze his frantic struggling against the blood on his head and turned towards the door tensely. The door soon opened and Cops stormed in, the took down Andy and Jack to my protest

"Hey Andy saved me! Let him go he didn't do anything!" I yelled to the cop who started to cuff a very annoyed Andy, the cop looked at me and let Andy go warily

Andy went over to me quickly and bear hugged me, "Xandra I'm so fucking glad your ok, thank you for helping me" he said softly into my ear

I hugged him back tightly, "Nah, your the one who saved me Andy" he laughed softly and I felt a wave of safety

hey guys, sorry for the long wait! Comment and vote? thanx :)


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