21 : Honest

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updating again today bc your comments were precious af ❤

It was Friday afternoon, and Jackson was just getting home from school. Mark had been lying on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV when he walked through the door, dropping his bookbag onto the floor at the doorway and slipping off his shoes before he headed to the living room.

"Hi babe," Jackson said with a light grin as he plopped onto the couch beside his boyfriend, who immediately scooted towards him, head moving to rest on his shoulder.

"Hi," Mark replied, very clearly distracted by the show playing on the screen in front of him.

"How was your day?" Jackson asked as he began to play with Mark's fading blonde hair.

"It was good, just a lazy day really, finished up some assignments," Mark replied as he nuzzled into Jackson's shoulder. "How was school?"

"Boring. I was tired all day and just wanted to come home," Jackson said with a huff and a light pout.

"Well of course you'd be tired, waking up at 6 in the morning everyday really wears someone out, I'd suppose," Mark replied nonchalantly, eyes still glued to the TV screen. Jackson looked to his boyfriend.

"You know about that?" He asked, slight worry in his tone as his eyes remained focused on Mark's emotionless face. He really had tried to be quiet when he left every morning, but it seemed he hadn't been quiet enough.

"Of course I do, it makes it kinda hard to sleep when my source of warmth decided to crawl out of bed and leave every day at 6am," Mark replied, gaze unwavering. His emotionlessness was worrying Jackson.

"I'm sorry I've been waking you babe, I don't mean to.." Jackson replied with a slight frown at the news that Mark hadn't been able to get sleep without him there.

"It's okay," Was all Mark had replied. Now Jackson was more worried. Mark was never quiet like this with him, he didn't like it, not one bit.

"What's on your mind?" Jackson asked Mark curiously as his hand moved to turn Mark's head away from the screen, and towards him, so he could meet his eyes.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that my boyfriend is sneaking off every morning to do who knows what and he can't seem to tell me about it," Mark replied, voice filled with annoyance as he stood from the couch and walked out of the living room. Jackson let out a sigh, a hand moving to run through his own hair. He knew this would have to happen at some point. It wasn't fair that he was just leaving Mark every morning with no explanation at all, and that he was just supposed to be okay with it. He could see how that'd be concerning.. If Mark did the same thing, he would be worried too.

Jackson sat for a moment, thinking about what he was going to do, before he stood, and walked to the bedroom where Mark had gone. Mark was sitting on the bed, looking down at his phone, earbuds plugged into his ears.

"Babe.." Jackson said, voice gentle as he sat down on the opposite side of the bed from his boyfriend.

"Unless you're going to explain to me what's been going on for the past week, I don't really want to talk to you right now," Mark replied, voice firm.

"And that's exactly what I'm going to do, so please just take out your headphones and look at me," Jackson said as he looked to Mark with pleading eyes. And hesitantly, Mark did as he was told, and turned to Jackson, awaiting an explanation.

"I'm listening."


1st Person - Mark

I was frustrated. I was frustrated with Jackson for being all secretive but I was also frustrated with myself. I was frustrated at myself for snapping at Jackson like I had. He hadn't done anything to betray my trust, yet right now I was so nervous. I was so nervous that something was going on behind my back, that he was doing something with someone else. And the fact that I was nervous about that bothered me. Because I shouldn't have to be nervous. I hated myself for having to be nervous at all. This was Jackson, Jackson who loves me and who I trust with all my heart. I have no reason to have any doubts at all. So I let out a deep breath, I calmed myself down, and I waited for his explanation.

"Well you see I'd had a friend, a friend that I hadn't talked to in quite a long time, and that other morning, when I got a phone call, it was that friend calling. We had used to be quite close, but had drifted apart over the years. And she was calling me to tell me she was in the hospital, and she was scared. As it turns out her ex boyfriend had given her AIDS.. So she was in the hospital and she was scared and all by herself so she'd called me to see if I'd go to visit her. That's where I've been going all these mornings Mark.. Her whole family abandoned her and she's at the hospital all alone and afraid and I just feel terrible for her, so I've been waking up early so that I could go see her so that at least she wouldn't be alone all day.. I'm sorry I've kept this hidden from you baby I just thought.. Well I don't know what I thought, really. I just was worried you wouldn't want me to go see her or something, I don't know. I'm sorry.." Jackson explained, speaking quite fast, but still understandably as he looked to park with sad, repentful eyes.

At that moment all of Mark's worries, all of his nervousness, it all vanished.

"Babe why didn't you just tell me that?" I asked as I crawled across the bed to wrap my arms around Jackson in a hug. "Yes I know I can be jealous sometimes but all you're doing is visiting a friend who needs you right now, I wouldn't stop you from that," I assured Jackson with a light smile as I sat in his lap.

"I don't know why I didn't tell you the first day she called baby, I'm sorry. But I promise I won't anything from you like that again, okay?" Jackson told me with a peck to my forehead, to which I nodded.


3rd Person

But in a sense, Jackson had already broken his promise of not lying, really. By leaving out one vital detail of his story, that Sojin was very much in love with him.

keep leaving me cute comments okay
i love them

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