Chapter Nineteen: A.M.

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Trying to behave but you know that we never learned how.


"I'm sorry, Lea. You know I would fix you up with one if I could."

I think I should probably stop asking now. I must look pathetic at this point, and Ryan seems clearly annoyed with my constant begging.

"Okay... Thank you, anyway." I finally give up, lifting my hands and then placing them on the desk. "But please, let me know if something opens up."

I realize how stupid that is. Of course no room will be released with this stupid storm blowing outside. Especially since the TV already announced all flights have been cancelled until further notice, and every guest who was supposed to do the check out today, has extended their staying.

"I will." He responds just to get me off his back. "But why don't you stay at the service rooms? There should be a spare bed there..."

I thought about that already. In fact, that was my first option; but I had to discard it once I realize that in order to stay there, I'd have to report it, and therefore explain why I'm here when I'm not even on the clock.

"I'll get back to you on that one." I say, and without another word, I walk away.

I turn around to go back to the lobby, where my four new employers are now chatting about what a drag it is to be stuck in here.

Not the four of them, actually. Harry is just sitting there, pinching his bottom lip with his fingers, blindly staring at the ground, like he's doing some serious thinking.

As I walk over to where they are, Harry suddenly comes out of his pensive state, lifting his gaze up to me. His fingers releasing his mouth, leaving his lips with a dark shade of red that slowly fades out into their usual pink.

"No luck, uh?" He enquires, probably reading the disappointment all over my face. Or the hopelessness.

I shake my head, letting out a sigh of resignation as I drop myself into the single chair in front of him. I want to sink in the cushion deep enough so I can escape from his eye, but I doubt I'll get so lucky.

Why would I, when everything else is unfolding to my disadvantage?

"At least we can be sure Harry will be spending the night here today!" Niall teases, nudging Liam with his shoulder.

Harry snaps his head in his direction, shooting him a deadly glare while Liam shakes his head in disapproval. Louis cracks a chuckle under his breath and as for me, I just focus on keeping my heart steady in its place.

"What? It's true! Two nights in a row he leaves, and tonight we can just hang out, maybe even get some writing done..." Niall explains further. I don't pick up any resentment in his voice, but he's definitely not making the situation any less weird.

Two nights in a row, he said. I know where he was the first one, and last night he left with me, yet I don't know where he went. And by the look on his face, something tells me he doesn't want us to know.

"Please, shut up..." Harry huffs. "And I slept here last night, just so you know." And when he says those last words, he's looking at me.

"All right, sorry!"

All eyes are weighing on me all of a sudden. And I just can't stand it, so I jump out of my seat and I start to pace around the room, not really caring to conceal my growing anxiety.

"Hey..." Again he sneaks up on me. And I keep thinking that's just him taking his sweet revenge.

I'm standing next to the main doors, looking outside. And the view is as astonishing as it is scary. The layer of snow covering the ground is so thick, you can't even tell where the sidewalk ends and the street begins.

Where Your Heart Is (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) #pfcc2k16 #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now