chapter 1

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summer vacations have just started and I've already landed myself up in trouble! 

oh let me explain...i'm phoebe and i am 15 years old. i have some amazing friends who keep putting me up in messes but they are amazing. iris, keith, carolina, iqra, genovia, my family and my dog diana completely sum up my life. they are the best i could have and i really thank God for putting them in my life. iris and keith are my friends from the school i go to, Evans international. carolina, iqra and genovia are my childhood friends. we've grown up together fighting, gossiping and what not. we chose to stick together because no matter how much we fought, we were incomplete without each other. i have just moved on from my crush of 5 years - noah. what you should know about me is i'm the laziest and craziest person with the most lame jokes ever. 
coming back to the mess iqra has landed me into. there's this new friend we made down the street named steve and God knows why he has been spreading rumors about him and iqra dating. obviously if you fight my best friend, i'll probably knock your head off! 
so here i am standing in front of a bunch of guys defending my best friend who's probably home because she is a prude. this guy steve has almost 7-8 friends here for defending him and here i am shouting on top of my lungs, shutting them all up. diana is with me and so it is getting a little irritating. a minute back i was struggling to manage an over excited dog and now this guy from steve's group comes up and asks if he could handle her. diana instantly likes him. well, it won't be selfish to let him handle my responsibility for some time while i smack his friends' ass right? 
after a lot of shouting and screaming - we've come to an end and the tall guy who handled diana has been the pacifier. there is something about this guy. something different, attractive and unusual. 

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