chapter 17

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author's note : i have been really irregular in updating but i have no courage to go through                                   this heart breaking story myself so this is the last chapter and we end it                                         here. i hope the one's who have been a part of this story will understand! :)


so here was the day, january 2016. i decided to get over with this toxic in life because it had started acting like a silent killer.
letting go is really difficult and nothing probably in this world could make me do this but i knew i had to get out of this dark pit called depression else it will take my life away.
this life is more than these heart breaks and problems and i have a long way to go.
this time patrick will have to listen and oblige by my decision.

maybe i had to oblige by his.

as soon as i sit down we both utter the same thing together.
"we need to talk"

these four words had killed me once before and when i thought he couldn't disrespect my affection towards him anymore, he did.

"phoebe don't get me wrong but i think we need to part ways because this isn't working out and i..i..i.. don't know, you know what i mean right?" 

"of course i do patrick, even i was here to decide on the same but the reasons here are different"

"what do you mean phoebe?"

"patrick till exactly how long do you plan to fake this relationship and try to love me when you really don't?"

"i don't know what to say phoebe its not like what you're thinking i just don't.."

"you just don't what patrick? you just don't have the courage to say it to my face that you are a fucking prick who never had the tiniest of feelings for me? you know what? i have enough guts to accept it but you don't have enough guts to say it so its clear who's wrong and who's right.
i thought you fell out of love but i know you just never had it for me!"

"we're over patrick. we're over for the better and i wish to never see you again. EVER!"

"i guess you know me pretty well, better than what i know of myself or i thought you know about me. your anger is quite justified phoebe"

"i am not angry because you don't deserve any kind of feelings from me, not even hatred!
 you can go happily heart brokenly shag off to your dearest sandra who dumped you for a bigger douche"

there. i said it. venom came out of my mouth from nowhere. i never knew i could talk to someone in that tone using such words.

"i know its not possible but try to forgive me someday?" said patrick almost guilt-less.

"you wish" i said.

 apparently the world is not a wish granting factory.
                                            THE END.

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