chapter 12

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I let my friends in and they said we want to tell you something.
"we know its a hard time for you phoebe"
"life anyways is not a fairy tale so just tell me?"
"in so many years we've never seen you like this, you've always been so strong and rebellious and right it feels the complete opposite. "
"just say it guys what is it?"
"we just wanted to tell you that Steve and  a couple more close people told us he's not serious and he never was. he was just fooling around"
"that's it? thanks for telling me so soon you people are like the best" I said with an annoyed face.
"we thought you won't listen to us"
"why the hell won't I listen to you people? give me one good reason for it. you were the ones to create distance between us not me!" I screamed while crying. crying had been the most common thing those months for me.
I knew Patrick wasn't completely over with Sandra- his ex, but I thought he did had feelings towards me. I was too tired of all the co-existing drama in my life that I decided to just sleep.

just as I entered my room and checked my phone, I saw a message and obviously it was him.

"how can you break the promise you made to me? you promised you wouldn't do anything reckless even if we ever breakup"

" you have absolutely no right to scream at me and show fake concern and create a scene over this you get that?"

"oh so now I can't even be concerned over the girl I love"

"who said you cannot be worried about Sandra? I was talking about myself."

"phoebe you really aren't getting there for heaven's sake"

"at least I'm being frank and honest"

"who has brain washed you against me?"

"what do you have to do with it? all you can do is fool around and then create a rant about how did I break the promise"

"we really need to clarify this. please meet me someday?"

"why do we need to clarify this when everything is over.  You're just a cheater and nothing else. I'm least interested in listening to another fake story"

"how can you believe them its ridiculous damn it! at least you could've cross checked with me about whatever you've got to hear. show some trust we were together for god damn 4 months"

"the 4 months where I saw your infidelity, anger, rants and a hell lot of other shit right?"

"its true that we've had a difficult journey full of ups and downs but we were there for each other all the time and after all of that you believed on their story?"

"what choice was I left with? you just screamed and shouted and left. you weren't there when I was in a troubled mind just one step away from picking up the blade so you absolutely have no right to create this scene you get that?"

"I'm sorry that I reacted that way."

"you know what? Its okay. ttyl. bye."

"please don't be upset please."

I didn't reply. I was too consumed by my mixed feelings and thoughts, I couldn't put up with him anymore when I knew all he was doing was lying all the time.
I wanted to scream but I felt as if my voice was lost as if nobody could hear me.
I wanted to cry but it felt as if all the tears are over and nobody would see my pain.
I wanted to runaway from this place but my legs won't co-operate.
I sat there numb and silent.
I don't know when I fell asleep but thank god I did.

next morning when I woke up I felt empty and hollow. I was just a mannequin who could walk, talk and breathe.
it was a friend's birthday and I had no choice but to go.

I dressed up and left for the venue.

my story- unleashedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang