chapter 10

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loving too much always kills you. it rips you apart and messes up your mind, it leaves you wide awake at 3 in the morning, wishing you never had any feelings. 
it was august and my monotonous life was not ready to change its course when this happened. just as everything had started to settle with patrick he texted me and the words took my heart away:
"we need to talk"
"i'm really sorry about this phoebe"
"just say what is it patrick?"

"we need to breakup. my dad has created a nuisance about us."
"what is happening? is this  a joke? if it is, you're dead."
"i'm anyways dead baby. i am really sorry"
" its okay. take care. we still will be friends :) "

"i know its not okay"
"hey calm down i can handle myself. just give me a minute i'll ttyl"

i did what i did all the time. pretended to be calm and give no reaction told myself everything is going to be fine.
" i wish all this was a bad nightmare but it wasn't. this was the reality and i had to face it one day so why not now?" i asked myself. then i thought maybe i can but first i can let out everything.
i wept for about an hour. there popped a notification. i received a text. it was him.
"are you okay? i now you've been crying. "
"yeah i'm fine i was just thinking if you can unkiss me? unlove me? untouch me?  can you reverse back my memories?"
"i'm really sorry naaa"
"its neither your fault nor mine. the situation is against us this time"
"can i ask you for something?"
"yeah say?"
"i want to meet you one more time. i want our lips to meet one more time" 
"you know i don't have the energy to see you and know you aren't mine anymore?"
"yes i very well know because i have the same pain"
"tomorrow we'll meet for one last time for one last kiss for one last hug" 
"don't make me cry would you?"
"i'm not even trying. ttyl."
"okay take care. bye"

ah this guy just knows how to get under my skin. i lay in my bed with tears in my eyes bound in a melancholy which seemed to have no end and i drifted to the memory of our first kiss...
it was a rainy day and the roads were dark;silent. i somehow knew this is the day. he looked towards me and i looked towards him as if he knew what i had in mind. he lead the way to a secret corner where no one would see us in our moment. i followed him sure of that  i wanted this to happen. "Can I..." He stopped and his jaw flexed. Can I kiss you?" I didn't answer, and he didn't wait for me to. His hands caught me gently behind the neck and he pressed his mouth to mine, softly but firmly. Then he moved one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
i remember i had blushed a lot. being on the fairer side my skin had turned blood red and my eyes had a shine which wasn't visible ever before.  the softness in his eyes made me love him even more. i forgot all the fights all the bad memories in that one moment. our moment.    

 note:  few credits to good reads.

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