chapter 15

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With time, the problems my family had with him grew. 

i had to pack for my trip. my mind was boggling with things- i had to pack and then i had thoughts about him and how would i survive without talking to him and how much will i miss him. 

somehow i managed to back my bags up and go for last minute shopping. i was already missing him. 

after a few days of my return, he said i want to click a picture with you. 
he had never ;liked the idea about clicking pictures or anything. it was quite shocking and surprising for me. i told him he had to block my parents on facebook before putting up the picture.

he said its not a big deal and he'll give me his i.d and password to block the required people. i was very happy with the change in his attitude towards me. i could finally say he too was in need of the relationship as much as i did. 

exchanging passwords is not a great idea. 

i reached back home and was engaged in a conversation with him, also he called me muffins. 

i logged into his account to block the people and after doing so i felt an instinct. 
i checked his inbox. i made the biggest mistake. i read the chat of his best friend named sam and scrolled up till 28th may. 

i know i'm a bitch but the instinct made me do it. it took mere 15 mins to crush my blind  trust on him into pieces. 

he had barely mentioned me and the breakup earlier was planned. he still was stuck on his ex. i was so shocked i could barely move. 
tears rolled down. meaningless now. 

  The worst type of crying wasn't the kind everyone could see--the wailing on street corners, the tearing at clothes. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did, there was no way to comfort it. A section withered and became a scar on the part of your soul that survived.

i knew he was playing football and its time for him to return home. i knew i had to confront him.
it's as difficult for me as for me.

i walk and see him and i have absolutely no courage to face him. i have no idea how am i supposed to say that i sneaked into your inbox and read the chat you won't want me to read but i know i have to do it.

my eyes are full of tears and i'm tired of hiding them. i let them out and walk towards him.

he sees me crying and rushes towards me.

"why are you crying baby" he says while holding my face.

"how could you do this?" i say with my broken voice. and heart.

the tension has already brewed up between us and i still have no idea as to what am i gonna say.


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