chapter 8

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people find teenage love to be very immature and surely it is but sometimes it isn't. whatever the age might be feelings can't be fake. sadly parents fail to understand it. also they fail to understand that the children try to find solace in someone else other than them is maybe because they don't get it from parents. 

same had been the case with me. in the busy city life, my parents had forgotten that i am still a teen and i need their affection, compassion and complete attention. in the world of smart phone they both had left me out. all this had led me to find patrick.

he too had found me in the same run. his parents are too busy in their own lives to care about him. in his condition he needs special attention but his parents don't even behave like a couple forget parents. i don't understand their thought system at all. sometimes they are too loving and caring and the next moment they are too busy to care. 

i also that they try to reach out to him now but maybe he has drifted too apart to return. 

i can see the love but having love for someone and showing are 2 different things. if you don't show, having is of no use. 

coming back to my family. they disapproved of me roaming around with patrick and they disapprove of dating too. it was all a secret from them and so it had got more complicated. 

i used to get back at home by 8 p.m and herlin used to be with me. something was up in my aunt daisy's mind because she had started bad mouthing about me and my character. their trip had almost come to an end when she did something devastating. 
i never in my life could think things would turn this way. 
there had been distance between me and my mom but there was immense love too. the situations were complicated but our bond was still the same. 1 thing my aunt had said just 3-4 days before leaving which my mom believed and created a havoc. that particular 1/2 hr proved to be catastrophic for me. everything in me had crashed. it had so happened that i used to return home at 8 in the evening as i told earlier and by the end of their stay, my aunt decided to turn my life upside down. she told my mom that i go with boys in their cars and return by 8. she told her i was slut. a prostitute. she tried her best to humiliate me and destroy my character. she was successful in ruining my already spoiled life. i don't care what she said about me and my character what shocked me was my mom believing the crap. i came back home and she started screaming and shouting at me and when i asked her what had happened, my brother glenn came to my rescue and shut mom up by telling her to stop believing what her sister had told because its utter bullshit. i was devastated to know my mom would not trust me and trust the person who was turning our life into the shades of gray. she already had done a lot of damage to our family and mom still believed her.

i had a lot of trust in my mom and it was crushed into tiny pieces when this happened. with all the chaos and distress in my life, i started to drift away in a dark world. an unknown dark world. the phase when everything changed.

my story- unleashedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora