chapter 5

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as i reached back home i got to know aunty daisy and my cousin herlin were visiting us for 2 months. 
i was very excited to share the events happening with her.
had i known how would it turn for me.
a few days had passed and it was the day for them to arrive. my brother glenn had gone to receive them and i had to wash diana. it's the most funny and tough task for me.
she's obviously the kind of dog who hates water. she has just recovered from a life-taking virus called parvo. she's a tough dog and i love her a lot. she's my everything. i guess there are no such words as to describe how changed my life is after getting her - it's way way better. she's completely black with black eyes which usually shine. she's very very pretty and loves to play. super active dog who loves to run away with iris's sock. 
coming back to the bathing, she is driving me crazy. she has shrugged so hard that i'm wet too. as soon as she's done with grooming arrives my brother, cousin and aunt daisy. the devil. 

glenn took diana for a walk so that she can dry up and i was merely gossiping with herlin.
we were unstoppable for we don't meet for months and in all this i forgot about telling him about patrick. 

as soon as i told her, she was so eager to meet him. she was really happy for me. 

fake happiness maybe.

she had just got over her breakup with her boyfriend. man's infidelity seems no bounds.
 true that. 
in the evening i take her to meet my friends steve, iqra and patrick.

i can see it in steve's eyes he's interested in herlin.
patrick and herlin are friends in no time and by the time we all were getting along, it was time to go home.

i was happy everything had gone smoothly and herlin approves of patrick. 
approved in different thoughts. 

it had been 3 hours that patrick had texted me and i was worried. 
"why are you so worried? he would be fine maybe just a little busy?"
said herlin.

"i'm worried for all right reasons. he suffers from epilepsy and he knows i get worried for him so he never forgets to text me. there has to be something wrong" i said.

patrick had been diagnosed with epilepsy in 2010 and it has been his hamartia since then.

people make fun of him and his problem but i don't care. i accept him with all his flaws for no one is perfect. i get anxiety and panic attacks too. iris once had joked about this. it did hurt but it's her point of view and i cannot stop her from opining. for many people its funny we both have some health conditions but its extremely important for both of us.

i will never leave his side even if the world is against us.
i don't know about if he's against us

i got a notification. its a text from him. 

he has not been well. i knew it. i'm sick worried but i cannot stress much. 
"he'll be fine" i tell myself

i can't explain how strong of an urge i had to run to him.

 as strong as his for revenging against his heartbreak.

somehow i calm myself down and sleep.

a few days had passed, herlin and patrick have started getting along really well. i'm happy about it. 
not so happy maybe.

soon came the day i started noticing things brewing between him and her.

man and woman's infidelity. 

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