Chapter 1

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Miranda's pov

I stare into my closet, at the long sleeved shirts. Then I glance down at my scarred up arms. I sigh and pull on a red cardigan and long tight blue jeans. I grab the razorblade and stuff it in my pocket. I walk downstairs, hearing the happy go Lucky laughter of my older brothers, Dave and Johnathon. As soon as I walk in, Dave shoves the back of my head to where I stumble into the fridge. I roll my eyes and open the cabinet. No bowls. "Ooh sorry baby sister, no bowls for you." Johnathan tauntingly says. Then the bus pulls around. Skipping breakfast again. I take off running and Dave pushed me into the wall and run to the bus in front of me.

Jason's pov

I get to school with Luke. I went to the gym where I usually hang out with my headphones. Me and Luke picked up some McDonald's on the way here. First thing I notice is a girl sitting on the bleachers.

Miranda's pov

I knew coming in here was a mistake. Dammit. This guy has food. Ugh I'm starving. I open my backpack and try to distract myself with reading. I hear country music coming from his iPod. "Hey what's your name?" My head snaps up in surprise. "Hi... I uh.... I'm Miranda." I say. "Jason." He says, handing me a hashbrown from McDonald's. My eyes go wide. "Why?" "I can hear your stomach growling. I fight back the tears. "Thanks." He smiles then the bell rings and he scoops his backpack up. "See ya around." He says, waving. I smile and wave back then devour the food.

Jason's pov

Huh. I'm surprised I never noticed her in this class before. She keeps her head down though. I wonder what's up with her.

*later that day*

She runs to get on the bus but I catch her right before. I don't think I've ever heard a girl scream louder than her! I bust out laughing and she gets red.

Miranda's pov

"What is it?" I ask quietly. "Oh uh yeah. I was wondering if ya wanna come to a party I'm going to this weekend?" I rub my arms, thinking. "Why?" He laughs again. "You ask that a lot don't ya, redhead?" "Stop laughing at me!" I snap annoyed. "Sorry. So ya wanna come? I can pick ya up." "And this isn't some bring the ugliest girl win a prize thing? Cause I've been tricked into those things." "Ha ha, no. Just me and my friends getting together for a bonfire, beer, and a good time." He says, a genuine smile on his face. I smile too. "Ok. 76 blvd. Red shuttered house on the left. Thanks." He smiles. "Cool. Pick ya up at eight. Oh uh you don't have a curfew do ya?" My smile fades. "No. My parents don't really care. See ya at eight." I smile, keeping my hands on my arms. He smiles and waves. I get on my bus and he goes to his truck. I smile and watch him drive away. "Ha ha, Miranda's got a crush!" Dave teases. I don't care. They're not gonna get me down.

*later this weekend*

Jason's pov

I show up at her house and some guy answers. "What's up?" He asks. "I uh I'm here to pick Miranda up." "Miranda, your boyfriend's here!" He shouts. I roll my eyes and she shoves him out of the way. "Knock it off you jackass!" She snaps. "Shut it dumbo." He says, shoving her. Ugh he's a douche. "Ready to go?" "Yeah." We get in my truck. "Sorry about him. He's a douche." "I was thinkin' the same thing." She smiles. We get to Tyler Hubbard's house. That's where the party's at. "Oh jeez this is a cool kid's party." She says, hiding her head. I laugh. "Nah, just us baseball lamebrains hanging out." She's so red. I grab a beer and sit in a lawn chair. She stands by the side, awkwardly. I laugh. "Darlin' relax. Grab a beer, chill." She still stands up. I stand back up and grab her hand. She pulls free quick. "Hey you okay hun?" "I yeah sorry I'm just.... I'm not good around people." I smirk. "Well why don't we go somewhere more private." I suggest, handing her a beer. "Better than being out in the open." She mumbles. Did she not realize what I was hinting at? I guess we'll see. We go to Tyler's guest room. "Finally peace and quiet." She gasps, sitting down.


Four beers in for both of us and luckily no one has come up and bothered us. Time to make my move. She was staring out the window. I wrap my arms around her waist. She jumps slightly. "What are you doing?" "Nothing." I say, pulling back. Obviously she's not that kinda girl. "What is with guys and always wanting to get laid?" "Well what's with girls and not wanting to?" I counter ask. She turns around, leaning against the window sill. I lay on the bed, on my fifth beer. I notice something small in her hand. "What's that?" I ask, pointing. Her eyes go wide and she stuffs it in her pocket. Hm, this girl is very mysterious. "Come on baby let your guard down. I'm not gonna hurt you." "I know you won't. It's just-" I quickly stand up and kiss her, shutting her up. At first she resists but then she relaxes in my arms. I wrap my arms around her waist again and hold her against the window. I move my hands to her arms and she pulls away. "Stop! You can't!" "Why not? I know you liked it." "Y-You just can't. It's not you, it's just-" "What is it? Talk to me." She covers her arms with her hands again, starting to cry. "Hey don't cry." I gasp. "I..... I'm gonna go home. Can you drive me home?" "Wait, you don't have to leave. I'm sorry I'll stop." "I want to go home. This was a mistake. I knew it. I'll walk home if I have to." I sigh. "No, No, I'll drive you." I drop her off then head back to Tyler's house. "Hey dude, where'd you go?" "Dropped a girl off back home." I mutter annoyed. I wish she didn't leave. "Who was she?" "Oh just a girl I met in school. She's pretty hot but she's got some issues that I haven't fully figured out." "Well good luck with that." I nod and down another beer.

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