Chapter 11

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Miranda's pov

Jason's got a boxing match. I'm gonna surprise him by coming to watch him.

Jason's pov

I get my gloves on, ready for my match today. I wish Miranda could be here but it's just not safe what with her parents. They're gonna be here too since Dave is in this. And if I get paired with that guy I'm gonna end up whooping his ass far more than I should. "Surprise!" I spin around. "Whoa, babe what are you doing here?!" "I wouldn't miss your match!" She's all smiles. Ever since she went to live with my uncle. I smile and hug her. "Oh I'm so glad you're here... But it's just dangerous." "I don't care. They ain't gonna stop me." She says, smiling. "Oh darlin' I missed you so much." "I missed you too."


Miranda's pov

Jason gets in the ring. I stand up excited. His opponent comes in. My stomach drops. Dave. Jason's eyes go wide and he glances at me. I don't care if Dave gets beat up. I just didn't expect it. "Kick his ass, Jason!" I shout, cheering for him. He smirks and narrows his eyes at him, ready for the fight. My parents and brother glare at me like I'm something gross they walked in. But I don't give a shit. I flip them off and my family's jaws drop. I laugh and hear the ding of the bell. "Go Jason!" I shout.

Jason's pov

I smile, hearing my girl cheering for me. I knock him out pretty quick and easy. "Yay!! Go Jason!" I smile and wave to her. She runs to the ropes and I lean over and kiss her. "That was awesome, Jay!" "Glad you were here baby."


We were hanging out before she had to leave for the 9:00 train. Ugh I wish she didn't have to go. "They didn't do anything to you did they?" "No. Just dirty looks. I got a badass boyfriend to protect me." I smile and hold her hands. "I'm glad you came today." "I wouldn't miss it for the world Jason." I kiss her gently. She leans against the wall as we kiss. I love having her here in my arms. Tom walks in. "Come on we have to go if we wanna catch the train." Ugh.

Miranda's pov

"I don't wanna catch the train." I murmur, my hands on Jason's arms. He sighs. "Ya gotta baby." "I know that." He smiles and kisses me again. I sadly follow Tom to the train. He smiles and pats my shoulder. "You okay, hun?" I glance out the window. "I'll survive. I just can't wait for the day we get to be together." I look at Tom and he hugs me tight. "You two are gonna last forever." He says.

Jason's pov

I stay at the boxing ring for a few extra hours of training mostly cause I don't feel like going home to an empty house. My girl's not there. I sigh and punch the punching bag again, my knuckles splitting open again. "Dammit!" I mutter, shaking the pain away. I walk to the bathroom and rinse them in the sink then wrap them in bandages. "Jason?" I turn around. Sierra. What's she doing here? "Hey." I say. "What are you still doing here?" "Training." I mutter, walking back to the punching bag. "Why? What is the point of all this?" "No point. I just wanna. At first it was to bulk up to keep Miranda safe but she's in Tennessee with my uncle now. Now I just do it cause I like it." "But it's midnight! Shouldn't you get some sleep?" I shrug not really caring. "Probably. But I'm not in the mood to sleep." She puts a hand on my shoulder as I'm about to punch it. "You might wanna step back." She does, I ball my fists just realizing how much fury I have built up and I punch it. The thing flies off and smashes against the wall! "Damn I don't know my own strength!" I gasp, laughing. "Jason, please stop! What about your musical career?" "Oh I'm still gonna do that. This is just for fun." "Come on. We've got school in the morning." Yeah I probably should get some sleep. I smile. "Thanks."

Miranda's pov

Sierra calls me. "Hey girl." "Hey I'm worried about Jason. He never did stuff like this." Huh? "Like what?" I ask, sitting up. "After that match, he stayed at the ring for five hours just training. He wasn't like that before." I stare at the ceiling worried. "I have to figure this out." I say. I hang up and get dressed. It's pouring rain. I walk out to Tom reading a newspaper. He lowers it and looks at me worried. "Are you okay?" I shake my head. "I gotta go. Jason needs me." He smiles. "I'm surprised it took you this long." My eyes go wide. "Come on. I'll drive you. The last train already came by." I smile and hug him. "Thanks so much." Before we go though, I run up and grab my painting of me and him standing at the door to my house, holding hands.

Jason's pov

"Hey Jason, door's for you!" Dad calls. I get out of my fighting stance. I told Sierra I was gonna rest but I'm too stubborn. "Hey cowboy." I turn around, surprised and wide eyed. "Babe? What? How'd you-" She closes the distance and kisses me.

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