Chapter 29

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Jason's pov

I walk into Hazel's room after getting back from the studio. She's playing with a dollhouse she got for her birthday. "Hey daddy how was the studio?" "It was fine. Um.... Where's your mom?" "Outback." I head out there but I don't see her. "Honey?" I call, confused. "When Jason gets home he's gonna kick your ass." Huh? I walk to the side yard and my anger escelates seeing her brothers. John holding her arms behind her back and Dave laughing in front of her. I clear my throat and they all look at me. "Better check yourself before you wreck yourself." Dave says, smirking. I feel something sharp in my back and her eyes go wide. Either her mom or dad. "What do you want?" I gripe. "Dave get the gun." Her dad. Good. He walks over prepared to take my pistol when I scissorkick him to the ground and elbow her dad in the gut. I take out my pistol and hold the knife in my other hand. I turn around to Dave angrily. "I kicked your ass before I can do it again." I growl in his face. He smirks, confusing me. "Jason!! Look out!!" She yells. "what?" A painful shock courses through me sending me to my knees and the weapons falling from my hands. "What...... Was..... That?" I choke out, gripping my side. "A tazer." Her mom said. I can't stand back up. It hurts too much. "What do you guys want with her anyway?!" "Daddy?!" Oh crap! Hazel! I turn around, seeing her at the edge of the yard, confused. Miranda struggles to pull free but then John pulls out a knife and rests it against her stomach, infuriating me! "Get that away from her!!" I yell.

Miranda's pov

Dad cracks him over the head with a baseball bat! His eyes go wide then he falls unconscious. "Jason?!" I cry terrified. John tightens his grip on my arms.


Jason's pov

I wake up hearing Hazel shout, "Daddy!" I shakily sit up, putting a hand to my pounding head. Oh man! She's gone! I stand up, knowing they went to Georgia. "Come on Hazel." I say, picking her up. "We're gonna go get mama?" "I'm gonna go get mama. You're going to Uncle Luke's." I get to Luke's and tell him the situation. He takes Hazel and Caroline keeps the kids so he can help me. "It's been a while since I've been home." He mutters. We drive to Georgia and I slam my door shut in front of her old house. They better not be hurting my wife in there.

Miranda's pov

I hear a truck door slam. I know that means Jason's here. "John, you know what to do." Dad says, worrying me. "Leave him alone! Let me go!" I cry worriedly, my hands protecting my stomach. It's as if I didn't say anything. Dave grabs my arm, dragging me toward the stairs. I jerk free and he spins around furiously. "I'll make a razorblade look like a joke, girl." He growls, holding a knife. I'm shaking with fear then I hear the pop of a machine gun.

Jason's pov

That son of a bitch! He shot at us with a machine gun! "What's the plan, man?" Luke asks, as we hide behind my truck. I glance up and a bullet whizzes by my head. "We gotta take that fucker out." I growl, pointing at the window with the machine gun. "Cover me." He says, worrying me. "Wait!" I gasp. How do I cover him?! He runs to the side luckily unharmed. Then I hear her scream, "No!!!!!" What are they doing to her?! I level my gun with John's head. He's too busy trying to get Luke. "When ya get to hell, send me a text telling me how hot it is, motherfucker." I growl, pulling the trigger. The machine gun lowers down, unmanned now. I make a run for the front door and fling it open. No one is in there. I hear her yell, 'Get away!" I tighten my grip on the revolver in my hand and run to the room. I shoot the lock off the door and open the door. Dave stands over her with a knife and she holds his hand back best she can while he tries to cut her stomach!! "Not on my watch!" I shoot him in the head and rush to her. She's sobbing, her hands now blocking her stomach. "Jason! They tried to kill him!" She screams, panicked. "It's okay hun they didn't succeed." I say, helping her up. One question that worries me. Where are her parents? We get out to my truck. Luke runs over, still looking around. "She okay?" He asks. "Just a little shaken. Other than that she's okay." "What about Jack?" She whimpers, crying. "Jack's okay baby." We decided to name the baby Jack and his middle name Daniel. "Let's get goin'." Luke says, getting in the driver's seat. "We have to go to the doctor and make sure everything is okay." She says. "Of course baby as soon as we get home. Hazel's worried." "I'm scared, Jason. What if he's-" "He's not. Just stop thinking about it. Jack's okay." I say, hugging her as she cries.

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