Chapter 28

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Miranda's pov

Lately I've been having bad dreams about my parents and brothers which is weird since I haven't had dreams like that since their last attack where I kicked their asses. I haven't told Jason but I think he knows.

Jason's pov

Poor Miranda's been having bad nightmares lately. I don't think she knows that I know. She was drinking a cup of coffee while talking to Rachel about the baby. I was watching them in the doorway. She's so rigid with fear from her nightmares. I stare at her worriedly then Hazel walks in the room. "Hey mom, we're supposed to go baby shopping today." I can tell she's not up for it. "Hey hun, mommy's tired. You and I will go instead." I say, walking over. "Ok." She leaves to get ready. "You okay?" I ask, sitting beside her. "Yeah. I just....... Haven't been sleeping well." She mumbles, staring at her coffee cup. I'm worried about her. I kiss her forehead. "Well get some sleep baby." Me and Hazel go to the store.

Miranda's pov

I lay in bed wanting to sleep but being afraid to. My hand rests on my stomach. "Hey little man, you haven't moved one bit today. You alright?" I nervously ask. Of course I don't get a response but I haven't gotten any movement either and it's starting to freak me out. Tears fill my eyes and I grab my phone and call Jason.

Jason's pov

"Hazel! Stay with me!" I shout to her as she runs from aisle to aisle. I was about to call to her again when my phone rang. "Jason, we've got a problem." My hand tenses up around the cart. "B-Baby what's wrong?" "The baby hasn't moved all day! I'm scared! What if something is wrong?!" "Ok just hang on. We're on our way and I'll take you to the doctor!" I shakily let go of the cart. "Stay on the line." She whimpers, crying. "I'm here." I say, finding Hazel. "Come on. Mom needs us." Her eyes go wide. "What's wrong?" "I don't know." We get back to my truck and I drive as quickly as I can to the house. She's pacing back and forth on our front porch. "Stay put hun." I say to Hazel. I jump out and run to Miranda. "Come on. Let's go to the doctor's." She clings to my arm. "What if something is wrong?!" "We will find out at the doctor's." I get her in my truck and drive there in record time. "Please this is an emergency. We don't know what's wrong with our son." I gasp, worried. "Right this way sir. What's her name and how far along is she?" "Miranda Aldean and four months." I say, terrified. "We'll do an ultrasound. What you need to do is keep her calm, the stress isn't gonna help." I nod and hold her hand. Hazel is crying. "It's gonna be okay guys." I say, shakily. "What seems to be the matter?" "He hasn't moved since yesterday. I'm scared something happened." She gasps, a hand on her stomach. The doctor does the ultrasound and I hold her hand the whole time. "Mr. And Mrs. Aldean, your baby is fine. He's just sleeping. See here's a 4-D view of the little guy." My heart skips a beat seeing that. It's like I'm seeing him through a window. "Well I'll be." I gasp. I pick Hazel up so she can see too. "Whoa is that my baby brother?" I smile and hug her. "He sure is." I say.


"See you're worried for nothin'." "I'm sorry Jason, I musta scared the crap out of you." We were laying in our bed, Hazel asleep down the hall. I rest a hand on her stomach. "Ya gave mama quite a scare today." I say. She smiles and puts a hand over mine. I smile feeling a light tap. She gasps. I hug her tight. "The baby's just fine." "We still need a name." She says. "That we do." I'm unsure of names. I kiss her forehead. "We've got five months to think. I'm currently wiped right now." She laughs and scoots closer. I wrap my arms around her. "Well, how about Jack?" I ask. Silence. "Hun?" I chuckle quietly. She's fast asleep. Today musta wore her out.

*the next day*

Miranda's pov

I get in a warm bath to help my backache. I turned the lights off and used candles since the harsh bright light was hurting my eyes and head. I had some soft slow music playing, my hands against my belly. Someone knocks on the bathroom door. "Yeah?" "Me and Hazel are gonna get dinner. Ya think you'll be okay here by yourself? Or should I call the girls." I try to sit up. "Actually Jason, I need help getting up!" I gasp. I hear him laugh and he opens the door. "My stomach is weighing me down." He grabs my hand helping me out and wrapping a warm towel around me. "I'll be ok. I'm probably just gonna sleep." I say, kissing him. He nods and blows out the candles. "Better safe than sorry." He says, smiling. "You're a genius." I say. He laughs. "I ain't a genius just a dumb ol redneck." I laugh and rest a hand on his arm then kiss him. "Thank God you're my dumb ol redneck." He chuckled, his arms around my waist. "We're already halfway there." I blush. "Lose the clothes cowboy."


Jason's pov

"Come on princess. Let's go get something for mama to eat." "When's the baby gonna come?" I smile and open the door. "Hopefully not for another five months." "Aww but dad! That's basically my whole life!" She whines, making me laugh. "Sorry darlin' that's how long it takes for a baby to grow." We swing by Applebee's and get back home. After dinner, I put Hazel to bed and go to our room. She's asleep so I lay beside her and fall asleep myself.

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