Chapter 16

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Miranda's pov

Thank goodness my parents let me go to school. I get to school. Sierra and Rachel are talking. I walk over and ask where Jason is. They both smile then hands cover my eyes. I laugh, slightly. "Found him." I say, smiling. He moves his hands and leans against the wall. "What's new with you guys?" "We are going on a vacation." I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "We?" "Yeah. You, me, Rachel, and Sierra." "Um..... You really think I can get away? They barely let me go to school!" "Screw them. Do you really think they'll ever stop treating you like this? You might as well be a rebel!" My eyes go wide. He's right. I smile. "Let's do this!" I gasp. He smiles, his arms crossed over his chest. "Where are we going?" "Florida. There's this country jamboree going on down there. So we're gonna rock out, get drunk, and maybe meet some stars if we're lucky." He's super excited. I lean against the wall beside him. "Who's all gonna be there?" "Um... Kenny Chesney, Charlie Daniels, Kenny Rogers, the king, and Alabama." "This is awesome!" I gasp, super excited. "I'll pick you up at midnight when your parents are asleep." I hug him tight. "I can't wait."


I hear my parents snoring down the hall. I quietly get a suitcase and put clothes in it. I take a deep breath and walk over to the window. His black pick up truck pulls into the yard. I tie the rope to my bed and throw it out the window. He ties it to his truck. "Ready." He says, giving me a thumbs up. I smile excited. "Going somewhere sister?" My hands freeze.

Jason's pov

She turns around. Huh? "Babe, you okay?" "Kill the lights!" She gasps. I turn the engine off. I see another figure in the bedroom! Shit!

Miranda's pov

"I.... I'm not going anywhere. I was just admiring the nice night." I shakily say. "Oh really then why do you have a suitcase?" Dave asks with a smirk. "I...... I..... I...." But I've drawn a blank. How do I get outta this one?! "Babe, just jump!" Jason calls. "Who's out there?" Dave growls walking towards me. I shakily get on the window sill. "Ha, finally gonna kill yourself? Took ya long enough." I smirk. "Fuck you douchebag." I say, jumping out the window and Jason catches me. He sets me down and flips my brother off. Dave's eyes get huge. "Let's get outta here!" I gasp. He throws my suitcase in the back and we drive out of there faster than I've ever seen anyone drive.

Jason's pov

2 cars block the road. Her parents and a cop. The windows are down and my hair is blowing in the wind. "Hold on baby!" I shout over the wind. She grabs my hand and her seatbelt and I spin the wheel. We flip and sail right over them landing on the other side right side up. I'm frozen in shock for a few seconds, trying to process what just happened. "Jason! Drive!" She yelps. Oh right! I press the gas and they can't keep up with us. We get to Rachel and Sierra's house. "Had a little run in but we made it." I say, breathing heavily. "Let's get on the road. Who's driving first?" Rachel asks. "I'll take
first-" "FREEZE!" Shit! I'm about to turn around when I feel a hand gripped tight to my shoulder. "Hey let go of me, man!" I gasp, pulling free, my shirt ripping in the process.

Miranda's pov

"Oh crap." He says, as his shirt sleeve rips revealing his arm bandaged up. Huh? "Jason? What happened?" I gasp, his face burns red. He pulls free of the cop and tears the sleeve the rest of the sleeve off. "I... Just.... I cut myself again." My eyes go wide in surprise. I'm so shocked by what I just heard him say that I don't even react when my dad grabs my arm. His eyes go wide. The cop grabs his shoulder again. Me and Jason's gazes stay locked on each other's. "Y-You cut yourself again?" I choke out. He sighs and nods. "W-Why?" He pulls free of the cop and rips off the white bandage, showing his arm which is covered in fresh cuts. I cover my mouth with my hand. "I was just so pissed off at myself that I couldn't protect you." Tears form in my eyes. He grabs my hand as the cop grabs his shoulder. "You need some help kid." The cop says. He stares at the cop wide eyed. "W-What do you mean by that?" "No! Don't take him there!" Sierra cries. He looks at her. "T-Take me where?! What's he talking about?! Sierra, what's going on?!" The cop handcuffs him because he's getting hysterical. "Psychiatric hospital!" She gasps, her hands in fists. I pull free of my dad and run to him. "He doesn't need to go to a mental hospital!" I shout. "You do too." The cop says, grabbing my arm too. "Don't you touch her!" Jason growls. The girls stand helpless to stop him. "Sir, could you take the girls home. I'll deal with them. They're obviously a danger to themselves and others." My eyes go wide. "Of course officer." Rachel and Sierra stare daggers at my dad. "Come along girls." He says, pretending to be all sweet. I'm so scared. "What's gonna happen to us?" I whimper, shaking. The cop puts us both in his cop car. Jason's hands are still cuffed. "Heh heh, look at the bright side." He says, nervously. "You ain't goin' back to your parents." His face is sweaty and he looks like he's about to freak out. "Jason, calm down! Are you okay?!" He shakes his head and struggles to get free of the handcuffs. I grab his shoulder. "What's going on with you?" "I can't and won't go back." I'm so confused. "G-Go back? J-Jason what do you mean?" "Dammit, get my swiss army knife outta my back pocket." He whispers, glaring at the cop. I pull it out and fumble to get the right tool out. My hands are shaking and it's dark. "Hey what are you kids doing back there." "Fuck!" He gasps. The cop swipes the swiss army knife from my hands. What does he mean? Where are we going? What's gonna happen? Why is he so freaked?! He's the level headed one! What's got him so freaked out? Then we park and the horrors of where we're going sink in. Jason screams in fear. Georgia state insanatarium.

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