Chapter 18

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Jason's pov

My eyes go wide when my old doctor walks in. The one from the last time I was here. "Dude, I can't be stuck here! I'm not crazy! You know that!" I gasp, my hands shaking. He sits across from me, I'm still hooked up to that shock therapy bullshit. "I don't know, Jason. You went back to self harming yourself. I thought you were over that." "I am! I promise!" He points to my arms. "Come on, they're old!" I lie. He shakes his head and grabs my arm. "These aren't old. I'm not stupid." God dang it!

Miranda's pov

I walk down to the cafeteria keeping my eyes peeled for Jason. I haven't seen him since they let him in my room for a few minutes. I sit down at a table with a hot pocket. A girl sits across from me. "Hey you're the new girl in room 212, right?" I shakily nod. "I'm Casey. I'm your roommate." I stare at my food. "I don't belong here." "That's what they all say." She says, shrugging. My hands fist up. "Babe!" I spin around. "Jason!" I gasp, running to him. I sling my arms around his neck. "I wanna go home." I whimper, crying. "We will. I promise." He whispers, holding me tight and rubbing my back. "You okay?" I ask, looking at him. He glances over his shoulder. "Come on." He says, holding my hand. We go back to his room. He sits on the bed and I stand by the door. "I've been here before." He whispers. My eyes go wide in surprise. I sit beside him and lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm scared, Jason." "I'll get us outta here but babe ya gotta listen closely." I nod. He holds my hands, wide eyed and terrified. "Do not listen to them. They aren't helping us. And don't take any medicine they give you. It'll just make you out of it. I promise I'll figure out how to get us out of here." I'm so freaking scared. "Promise me baby. You won't do what they say!" He gasps, grabbing my arms hard. I wince. "Promise me!" He shouts shaking me. "I promise Jason! Stop it you're hurting me!" "Oops sorry." He mumbles letting go. He hugs me. "I'm so sorry. I'm probably freaking you out. This place.... It just gets to me."


Poor Jason. I stuff my hands in my pockets. I pace the small room thinking. The door opens. A doctor stands there. "You've got a visitor." I'm confused. Who could it be? I walk to the room and it's Rachel! I run over and hug her. "Hey girl." She slips a key in my pocket. My eyes go wide. "Wha-" "Shh." She says. I get it. They're helping me escape.

Jason's pov

Sierra hugs me tight for a good three minutes. I sit down shakily, my hands together on the table in front of me. "I'm so scared Sierra. I can't survive this again!" "Don't worry Jason. Rachel and your uncle have already come up with a plan to bust you both out." I smile, relieved. "Wait, Rachel is here too?" She nods. "She's visiting with Miranda as we speak." "What's this plan you guys have?" She smiles. "I'll text it to you later. It's not safe to talk about it here." Text me? "But I don't have a-" then I feel my phone in my pocket. I smile. "You guys are lifesavers." She stands up and walks around the table. I stand up, she hugs me again. She pushes me back down and kisses me. My eyes go wide and my hand grips tight to the table. I close my eyes, wrapping my other arm around her waist. She pulls back, staring wide eyed at me, both of us breathing heavily. "Y-You kissed me!" "I'm sorry. I gotta go!" She runs out before I can protest. She kissed me. That was so unexpected.


Sierra texts me.

S: Miranda got a key you got your phone.

J: what is the plan here?

S: we're gonna bust you out. Me, Rachel, and Tom.

J: Sierra we need to talk.

S: about what?

J: that kiss.

S: it was an accident. Just forget it even happened. You love Miranda, right?

J: yeah.

S: then forget about it.

J: okay.

I set the phone down, deep in thought. Why do we keep doing that? The door opens. My eyes go wide seeing Miranda. She walks over, her hands shaking. "Hey baby, the girls are gonna get us outta here." "Rachel told me." She says, sitting beside me. "How are they gonna get away with it?" "I don't know." I mumble, worried. I hug her tightly. "Don't worry about nothin'. We'll be outta here in no time." "I love you." She whispers. I smile. "I love you too."

*the next day*

Sierra's pov

Tom is dressed as a delivery man. He's got a huge box full of stuff. He drops that off and sneaks to Jason's room. I peek into his room. "Jason?" I whisper. Miranda was sitting on his bed. "Where's Jason?" I ask, worried. She's crying again. "The damn doctors took him!"

Jason's pov

I keep my stare on the floor as the doctor walks back and forth in front of me. I need to get out of this mess. Someone knocks on thr door. I strain to turn around but the damn doctor turns on the shock thing with a smirk. I can't feel my hands already. "Stop it!" I shout. "Who are you?" The doctor asks to whoever it is at the door. "Ahhhhh!" "What the hell are you doing to him?!" "It's shock therapy." Tom walks into my view and flips the switch. I can barely breathe. "Thank God." I choke out. "This is illegal!" Tom shouts, unhooking the wires from my hands. "Good God man! His hands are burned! Come on Jason, you're getting outta here." Finally. I shakily stand up. "Wait, I can't leave without her." "Don't worry. Rachel and Sierra are already working on it." Thank God.

Miranda's pov

"Jeez guys careful!" I gasp. I'm getting out by riding in the box. We hit a bump. "Sorry." Sierra says. A few minutes later, the top opens and I stand up and rub my head. "Nice work girls." My eyes go wide, hearing Jason's voice. I see him and stumble out of the box and he catches me before I smack my face on the pavement. Tom rests a hand on my shoulder. "What's going on?" I ask. Jason smiles at his uncle. "We're both moving to Nashville!" "Huh? How?" I ask, confused. "My parents are letting me move there to pursue my dream of music and you're going there with me!" I hug him tightly. "We're gonna be okay, right?" He smiles. "Better than okay baby. We're gonna become stars." He says, kissing me gently.

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