20 2 13

I don't know if anyone read the AN that I deleted because I'm pretty sure most of my readers aren't reading right now sooooo...

This chapter is basically five years after the last one, any important parts I skipped will be in flash backs.

Which will be typed in italics.

I'm also only including Ellah's POV on occasion, but she will be mentioned.

I'm currently done with putting in music from Pitch Perfect so this song is Irresistible by Fall Out Boy.

I'm going to catch you up real fast so this is the baselines of what happened;

*Dipper and Mabel moved into the shack

*Ford agreed to let Stanley keep the Mystery Shack going

*Lumi and Ford still haven't figured out Bill's plan

*Lumi and the twins' current age: 17

*As far as school goes, I'm just not going to include it. They're smart enough, kay?

So enjoy :D


I slammed the book shut, coughing when it blew up a huge cloud of dust in my face.

"Nothing. I've found nothing" Ford looked as frustrated as I felt.

"I need to clear my head" I pushed the book across the desk and stood up. "Plus I think Mio kept a journal somewhere. It might still be at our old cabin."

Ford nodded and I stretched, starting up the stairs.


I made it into the gift shop and Dipper looked up at me from his spot behind the counter. His nose had been previously buried in a journal; I couldn't make out which one.

"Where are you going?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Taking a walk" I grunted in response, throwing my jacket at him. It was cold in the basement but hot up here. Late summer weather was always like that.

He laughed and picked it up off his face, tossing it onto the counter, where the white cuffs dangled over the sides. "Too dressy for outdoors?" He grinned, he and Mabel always mocked me and my black suit jacket, but I just rolled my eyes and slammed the door on my way out.

As I stepped down the porch stairs, I glanced around the crowd of tourists. Sometimes I'd find myself looking for Mio or Alex, who I hadn't seen in years.

I started on my way into the woods, reaching the cabin within minutes. I stepped inside, I hadn't been here since Mio turned traitor. I picked up my bow and the arrows that were scattered on the floor. With a sigh I slid the sheath over my shoulder along with the bow, the string fitting snugly in the center of my chest, just like it always had.

"Now where would she have kept her journal..." I muttered to myself as I approached Mio's room. When I opened the door, I felt tears pool in my eyes and blinked them back.

The walls were covered in photos, photos of me and Alex, of all three of us, and of me. Dead center was one of me with the string of my bow drawn back, an arrow poised at my fingertips. Surrounding it were pictures of me and... him.

I pulled one from the wall. It showed me grinning on his back, him laughing, baby blue hair covering his eye.

I wanted to burn it. Burn the memories of Will. The memories of all the hugs, the sweet nothings we'd tell each other when I couldn't sleep, the memories before I watched his body fall limply to the ground, a yellow feathered arrow sticking out of his chest.

Only the Beginningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें