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Wow. Okay. Someone dies,

That's not interesting enough for you guys? Hnnnngh. You aren't giving me anything to work with.

I'm the master of causing drama, but noooooooooooooooooo. You just WON'T react. I'm done, I quit.


I think Mabel will go first—

And if you think I'm kidding, I'm not.

*rubs hands together* let's do this.

Also today's song is 50 Ways to Say Goodbye by Train (Irony, it kills. No?)



"Either she's a really heavy sleeper or something went wrong..." I heard Ford mutter.

"Huh?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Ah, it's alive" Flames grinned at me, Ford and Dipper chuckling behind her.

My head throbbed and I rubbed my temples "What happened?"

"Shit..." Dipper glanced nervously at the new journal we'd found in the Crystal Falls bunker.

"You don't remember volunteering to try-" Flames started.

"You'll stress her out." Ford interrupted "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Coming down here with Will..." I responded, still confused.

"Phew, that was only three hours ago, give or take..." Dipper said "Will helped us find a way to block out Bill and you offered to test it out. You've been out for an hour." He explained.

"Where's Will?"

"Out cold. He tried it too, but it'll be a while since he's more demon than you are." Ford nodded.

The last two hours came rushing back like a river, and I rubbed my throbbing forehead.


We skimmed through the journal, but it was written in a code or language of sorts that none of us understood. Dipper was searching frantically for something that would help us when everything went greyscale.

(I hope you're prepared fandom... *evil laugh*)

I glanced around, searching for Bill. He wasn't there.

"Guys?" someone called out, and Mabel came into view, looking just as confused as the rest of us.

"Mabel?" Dipper called back.

"What the heck?" Mabel approached us, but when she got within a few feet she stopped like a person would if they ran into a wall.

"Please, Pines family, take a seat" Bill called out, and Flames, Ford, Dipper, and I were all shoved into four theater seats.

Bill drifted toward us, grinning "There's a small favor I need from you all."

I opened my mouth to yell at him but Flames beat me to it, "Why would we do a favor for you?"

"Ah, good point" Bill replied, and Mabel's feet slowly left the ground. Bill grabbed her arm and she dangled there, looking scared. She tried to call out but nothing happened "Maybe to spare Shooting Star's life"

"You need her for your plan! You can't kill her!" Dipper exclaimed

"That's what you think, kid." Bill's grin grew wider as a terrified Mabel squirmed.



I've got to end this...

My feet pounded against gravel as I raced through the town. I hadn't bothered to throw my flannel back on, and bystanders gawked when they recognized me. My appearance was the last thing I cared about as I rounded a corner and met the Mystery Shack's drive.

I swung open the door to the gift shop, which was empty. A sign on the wall read Tour in Progress. I stepped toward the vending machine, pressing my fingers lightly to the keypad and closing my eyes. People flooded my mind, I rifled through them, searching for one of the Pines. When I recognized the yellow haired girl, I punched in the combo she'd used and the machine swung open.


When I'd reached the room I saw four bodies lying on the ground.

"What the..." I muttered to myself.

"Shhh" Someone whispered and a blue-haired boy stood stiffly in the corner of the room, claiming that voice.

I raised an eyebrow at him, but before he could respond, everything went greyscale.


"Put her down!" someone yelled, and I glanced up.

"Ah, star! How nice of you to join us" Bill grinned.

"I'm going to stop this" I said quietly.

"Speak up, kid"

"I'm going to stop this!" I yelled.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Like this" I looked at the faces around me "It will only stop him for a while, but I'm pretty positive you'll figure something out before then" I nodded to the confused group of kids and looked up at Bill "Stars go out eventually, no?" I grinned and closed my eyes, feeling myself fall and everything going dark.



"What just happened...?" I muttered

"I should've known better! Ugh! This... This... Ugh!" Bill yelled.


The world came back and I surveyed the room. It was all the same except-

Ellah's body lay unmoving on the floor.

"She just died... to stop Bill?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

"Appears so" Ford nodded.


Only the BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ