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Hallo, good morning here. Dunno about anywhere else, but as I type this, it's 9:27. The latest I've ever slept in is 9:00. You should feel bad for me.

The song is one I've loved since I heard it, I Know What You Did Last Summer. And senpai knows that, because anytime I heard it on the radio, I would freak out. It was pretty funny actually.

So I've hit a sorta-kinda writer's block. I know how the plot is going to go, but I don't have any ideas for what to put between major plotlines. If anyone would like to co-author or something, I'll gladly consider it. :D

I'm not leaving the fandom after it ends. But I did have a mental breakdown; I don't think I'm going to watch Take Back the Falls. I can't bring myself to do it.

But I will cherish the memories of being a fifth grader and believing so heavily in the fact that the shape shifter was going to legit be the author, that I argued for half an hour with Nyair about it, then skyping her to watch A Tale of Two Stans together (that was awesome) when we were both depressed because neither of our theories were right, and then she moved an- *sob* never mind

Oh well, enjoy! ;u;


I read over Bill's page for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past hour. "It's like you expect this to magically change and say 'Oh hey, here's my plan!'" I groaned, shoving the journal at Dipper.

He shrugged and glanced over at Ford. "Anything in Mio's journal I didn't already find"

Ford shook his head and closed the journal. "This couldn't have been the only thing. I'd suggest you go back to the cabin and keep looking"

I nodded and stood up.

"Mind if I come?" I turned to face Flames.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I shrugged.


The door was already open when we stepped inside, and I began toward Mio's room.

"This place is falling apart" Flames said, glancing around.

I nodded and pushed open Mio's door. Nothing had changed, and I turned away from the wall, toward a cardboard box that I knew contained papers.

"You know, if your sister really was a mastermind, she'd probably have hidden whatever you're looking for somewhere else..." Flames was staring at the wall of pictures.

"That's actually a really good idea" I went to stand next to her, looking over the photos carefully.

One stuck out. It was of me and Alex, and it was folding over, revealing ink marks on the back.

I stepped forward and tugged it from the wall, flipping it to the back. There was part of a drawing here, and when I spotted another, there were notes.

Flames carried the box to the wall, and we began to pull them down. There was something on the back of all of them, notes or sketches.

When we had pulled the last one, I turned back to the bookshelf and pulled a couple more battered paperbacks down, tossing them on top of the stack of photos.

Flames grinned at me "Anything else?"

"Yeah, actually" I said, stepping out of Mio's room and guiding her toward mine. When the door opened, she glanced at me confused, and I felt lost too. It had already been gone through, and thoroughly. Papers scattered across the floor and the arrows that lined the far wall were snapped, some with feathers fluttering to the floor.

"What happened here?" Flames looked around, and I shook my head, beginning to close the door, when something caught my eye.

A folded piece of paper was wedged under a yellow feather belonging to the arrow I'd killed Will with. I don't know why I'd kept it in the first place.

I made my way to the wall and plucked the paper from the arrow.


I hate to screw with your day, but whatever you're looking for isn't here. There's only so much your puny friends can know. In case you're wondering how I got you this, demons don't die, although it was amusing that you thought that way.



I ripped the paper in half and turned back to Flames.

"What was that?" She asked, shifting her weight from one leg to the other.

"Nothing" I shook my head, tucking the halves into my pocket and following her out.

"If you say so"

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