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I really suck at leaving you guys hanging, don't I?

Oh well. You all love me. Admit it, you do.

Anyhow, this song is from Pitch Perfect and it's the Treble Maker's finale (Bright Lights Bigger City/Magic) one of my favorites.

*cough* *clings to Jesse's leg* and so is this one *cough*

BUT ANYHAYHOW, (I like making words :D) I hope you enjoy.

Also sorry that Flames isn't in this chapter, I didn't know what to do with her.

And Nyair, stop shipping her and Dipper. I will hurt you. I WILL (probably not) BUT STILL.




I sighed and pushed the hair from my eyes, tightening my ponytail while Gideon sang his obnoxious little song.

"Bravo kid" Bill applauded.

I blushed and rolled my eyes, continuing to fix the makeup I'd ruined in my last number.

"You've got a visitor" He said, quirking an eyebrow as the door to the room flung open. (It's behind the tent FYI)

"Where is he?" The girl Bill and I had tricked yelled. She still gave me chills to look at, but she wasn't interested in me.

"Bowtie. Nice to see you too" Bill tipped his hat at her and she looked even angrier.

"Where's the real Will?" She asked, slamming the door closed and strutting up to Bill, who was a good foot taller than her.

"Ah, so you figured it out?"

"It wouldn't take a genius to figure that out" She retorted.

I stepped in between them, facing the yellow haired girl. She raised an eyebrow at me and opened her mouth to say something but I stopped her "Bill and I were just messing around-"

"I don't count making me think my best friend was alive as 'just messing around'" She snorted.

"Let's not forget who killed him in the first place" Bill pointed out and the girl's face looked like she was either about to explode or cry.

"Look Bill... dad... whatever! Tell me where Will is and no one gets hurt" her blue eyes landed firmly on me and Bill stiffened.

"He's in the bunker under Crystal Falls. Just don't snoop around too much." Bill said, though his words sounded forced "Don't lay a hand on star here though, I need her for my plan. Your sister would be very disappointed to know you disobeyed an order from me."

The girl stiffened as the door swung back open.



"Lumi!" the twins yelled from the door and I turned to face them.

"I told you there was something up. Dipper, Mabel; Bill and Ellah." I muttered.

"How'd you know?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

"There's a triangle with an eye on the back of her neck" I shrugged.

Ellah tugged on the collar of her jacket "I thought I'd covered it..."

I rolled my eyes and turned, storming out of the room with the twins following me.

(Sorry Lumi's part was short. I got more than I'd planned out of the way with Ellah's)

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