11 1 7

Honor chorus was fun. 2 whole years, wow. Emma, Sadie, Taya, it was awesome to spend the weekend singing together. Nyair we missed you. I tried to wear a Dasani bottle wrapper on my wrist but Ms. Terry said no, soooo ;-;

Today's song is Lollipop, performed by the Treble Makers (Pitch Perfect 2) and ugh, Jesse was hot in that number :0 I need a picture of him...

Enjoy! :D



I groaned in frustration, leaning against the cold cellar wall. I'd been down here for four hours and the silence was deafening. I hadn't found trace of Will, and I was regretting not letting Dipper or Flames come with me.

The wall gave in behind me and I fell on top of it into a small room and heard a shaky breath draw in beside me.

"W-who is t-that?" the voice muttered.

"You don't recognize her?" another voice responded, this one sounding like it hadn't spoken in years.

"N-no... I"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about me like I'm not here." I said into the darkness.

"Lumi?!" The first voice rang out, sounding odd, like it hadn't yelled in years.

"Yes-" I started, but was interrupted by arms folding me into a hug.

I squirmed but the arms didn't move.

"P-please don't hate me f-for what I d-did" That voice... I knew that voice!

"Will!" I stopped squirming and hugged him back.

"You guys are cute and all, but uh..." The second voice was clearer now, and I peered over Will's shoulder at the girl it belonged to.

She had brown hair with blue bangs that fell to her eyebrows. She looked exhausted and older than me... maybe in her twenties.

"Lumi, meet Lunar" Will said, his stuttering vanishing but his voice still weak and uncertain "She's your aunt"

Lunar nodded to me and gave me a small smile "Bill found me when I came looking for your mom, and here I am"

That's when I remembered meeting her once before when I was way younger. She was mom's younger sister who had lived up in Michigan when I'd met her.

"I've got to get you guys out of here... I'm pretty sure mom's house is still usable" I didn't mention that I couldn't step inside that place without tears stinging my eyes.

I didn't have to, because Lunar shook her head at me "I have to keep looking for Celeste" (It's not an MLP reference it's my sister and I's nicknames, but Sunny doesn't sound right so it's Celeste in here)

Will gave me a small smile "I think I can manage"


I pushed open the Mystery Shack door and breathed in, glad to be above ground.

"Hey Lumi, any luck-" Dipper greeted, stopping when he saw Will behind me "Well that answers my question."

"He knows Bill's plan, and he already has somewhere to stay" I nodded to him.

"Right then, Ford is downstairs." Dipper turned and walked off and I lead Will to the vending machine.



I pressed my forehead to the trunk of a nearby tree, knowing it was useless. My red and black unbuttoned flannel shirt falling at my sides. I'd tried everything, even the chant thing Bill had engraved on the back of the star choker he'd given me. Bill just wouldn't come.


My head ached as I swung the door to Uncle Bud's house open. I refused to call it my home because I hated living there.

"Evening Ellah, doll" Uncle Bud greeted me from the couch, but I just grunted and started up the stair toward the baby blue room I'd been crashing in for the last few months.

When the door shut behind me, I threw my button down to the ground and threw myself on the bed in only a tank top and jeans. There was a dress code in the Gleeful household that I refused to follow when I was alone.

I pressed my face in my pillow "Why does he need me of all people to help him?" I muttered to myself.

"I can't see into Lumi's future. You can" Bill's voice caused me to jump.

"So I'm just part of your plan? What is your plan anyway?" I asked, sitting up.

"To get rid of all the threats to my power, of course. But, naturally, there's a catch; they all have to be together for me to do it effectively. This lifetime I got lucky, you're all in Gravity Falls!" He leaned against the wall casually.

"And who would those people be?"

"They're all pairs, you see. Tophat and Bowtie, Pinetree and Shooting Star, Sixer and Fez, You and Daffodil, Sun and Moon. And little Fireball, all on her own. Though wiping her out isn't necessary, I'm afraid she's a little too close to the rest."

I let out a shaky breath "So you're going to kill me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That's the plan, Star" he nodded.

That's it! I can stop this!


This book is slowly drawing to a close and there are two possibilities;

Someone dies to prevent Bill's killing everyone


Everybody dies, there is no sequel, and I laugh in your face.

Either way, someone isn't going to make it out of this book.

Oh well. Keep reading guys :D

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