chapter 1

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Addy's pov

Mondays are almost always awful. Most people will tell you that. So I wasn't shocked when my jeep decided to take an extra 10 minutes to thaw. That automatically put me in a bad mood because I knew I would get caught in the typical morning rush. That means I'll have to use my free period to finish grading instead of lesson planning. Plus I now have to find time to get the jeep to Smitty. He's our local mechanic and he's always treated me good. Even after I was no longer dating one of his shop hands. I was hoping the day would get some what better once I got to work. But since it's valentines day and I'm single I knew I would probably just be crabby all dang day seeing all the flowers and gifts being delivered. The iceing on the cake came when I got home. I had settled in with a nice glass of red wine and my comfy fuzzy blanket to do more grading. My TV was still on cmt from watching Party Down South the night before. I was expecting to let music videos be my background noise while I worked. But once the volume kicked in it was like someone sucker punched me. I'd know that gravly southern drawl, and that damn laugh anywhere. His smile was flashing through my head and I didn't even have to look up at the TV. I couldn't look. If I saw his face I would crumble and I refuse to shed any more tears over him. That ended 3 years ago when he walked away. He refused to let me help him and threw all we had away like it didn't mean a damn thing. The infuriating thing is knowing he's using our past to make his records. I'm the girl in those songs yet you pushed me aside like I was disposables. The worst part just makes me mad at myself.... I miss him. Waking up reaching for him is agonizing when I should know by now he's not there. Thankfully I've managed to catch wind every time he comes back in town and avoid him like the damn black plague.... I need air. Looks like I'm driving to Smitty's shop sooner than planned just so I don't keep staring at these four walls and think about him. The walk from my apartment to my jeep was calming, but that lasted less than a second after I started the engine. His voice echoed through the speakers and I snapped. I literally broke the knob on the volume off I hit it so quickly and so hard. Well guess I'm adding that to the list of things for Smitty's boys. It only took 15 minutes to get there but I kept driving past the shop after I saw the soft tail flat black Harley sitting by the front door. God please  don't have let him have seen me drive by. I'll just drive to wal mart, pick up a few  things, then pop back by for Smitty's to just look. I don't expect him to fix it today. Hopefully that damn bike is gone by then.

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