chapter 11

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Brantley's POV: by SPaige0615

"M-my sun room?" Addy stuttered. "Silly girl, do I look like the type of man that has any use for a screened in sun room?" I chuckled and kissed her forehead as I dialed the number for the local pizza joint. Her smile was blinding. She cradled Sylo to her chest and took off to the sun room. I laughed and followed, content to lean against the doorway and watch her explore. "Yo! Brother we hittin the bar tonight? I need some new ass, and I'm guaran-damn-tee to get some sweet tail if I show up with your ugly mug!" Kolby cackled as he barged into the house. "Oh hey Addy! How you doin girl?" Kolby hugged her quickly and kissed her on top of the head just as he always used to do. It took my idiot brother about 30 seconds. "Wait... ADDY??! Are you two back together?? Dude! How the hell did you manage that?" He rambled. Addy snorted, I rolled my eyes. "I'm hoping like hell we are.." I said, looking to Adalynn for approval. "We definitely are. And he just apologized is all." Addy blushed. "And you accepted it?! Just like that?!" He snapped his fingers. Addy shrugged and blushed again. "It was a really good apology." She grinned. Kolby groaned. "Dude... Did you at least actually apologize before you got her naked???" Kolby groaned. "What? No! That's not what I meant! We didn't... He... I.... Ugh! Kolby you're such a freak! I just meant that I'm not the only one who's had it rough for the past few years." Adalynn stuttered adorably. I rolled my eyes at my younger brother. "Me?! I'm the freak?! Oh no Miss Innocent... You forget... I KNOW Brantley. I'm also the one who found the handcuffs, whip cream bottle, and sex swing tucked away in B's closet. Ring any bells?" Kolby grinned. Adalynn's eyes widened and she blushed prettily. Her eyes glazed over momentarily and she moaned a little. "Ohh.. I remember that weekend..." She sighed happily. That was not long before we broke up, I had planned out an entire weekend of nothing but wild kinky sex. Testing out some of our limits. Addy walked funny for a good three days, and my handprint was branded on her little ass for a week. I smirked at the memory.

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