Chapter 5

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Brantley's POV: by SPaige0615

Addy's old jeep fish tailed out of the parking lot and my heart got stuck in my throat. For the first time in a long time I felt something. I had been completely numb for three years. Had I really hurt her that deep? Was I that much of a selfish prick? The answer was yes. By splitting up and leaving, I thought I was doing what was best for everyone. I was a toxic person. I've been stone cold sober since that day, never touched another drop of booze since. Addy had always been such a positive, sunny, bright person. I killed that light. Me. It hit me like a sucker punch in the gut, and I nearly gagged at the sourness. I called my momma. "Brantley Keith! What happened? What did you do?! Where is Adalynn?" She demanded. "Momma... I need help. I... I don't know how to fix it. I broke her..." I could barely talk. Everything from the last three years came raining down on me. The girls, the partying, the arrogance. It was all a front. A fucking front to push Addy from my mind. I knew I'd never be good enough for that little girl. She deserved a hell of a lot better than a rough and rowdy sumbitch like me. So I pushed her away. I broke her heart. Her spirit. "Oh Brantley.... You have to fix yourself before you fix what you broke." Momma comforted me. "I'm so SO sorry. For everything." I sighed tiredly. "I know son, and I'm glad you're back. But you're gonna have to work hard for this one. You did a lot of damage when you left." She told me straight up. "I know. I love you momma." "I love you too Brantley." We hung up and I climbed on my bike. I needed to ride. The open road would settle my nerves enough for me to think clearly. I wanted to go to her, to see Addy. But I knew it wasn't the time. I had done enough damage already. I pulled onto the highway and roared off. As I rode I thought back to life with Adalynn. She was the Bonnie to my Clyde. Every song I wrote was about her. An angel and an outlaw. That was us, she was the good girl. Pure, wholesome, perfect. And I was the rough and tough bad boy. Nothing but trouble. I was her first everything. Her first date, her first kiss, her first love. Everything. For the last 3 years, I've been on autopilot. I've fucked my way through just about every state, just trying to get over the girl I left behind. Numb, is the only way I can explain it. Momma was right, I had to fix myself before I tried to repair the damage I caused. There was no guarantee that Addy would even forgive me, and I wouldn't blame her. I hurt her, and that's something that I promised her I would never do. I broke a promise to the one person who always had my back. But I had to try, I had to see if there was any chance left for us. With that in mind, I turned my bike around and headed for Addy's house.

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