chapter 3

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Addy's pov

"Shit!" Brantley's voice was still echoing in my head as I pulled out of the school parking lot. Thank God we had coverage. I couldn't have made it through the rest of the day. I barely managed to fight back the tears long enough to make it to my jeep. Luckily Ms.Johnson knows our history so I didn't have to explain what's going on. It's been a merical this didn't happen sooner. I knew I would see him around eventually, but that was to much to handle. There's no denying I've never gotten over him, but seeing him like that; and him playing with my hair like he use to.... I feel sick with all the hurt that's coming flooding back. "Just make it home then you can cry." Is what I kept telling myself. But when the gravel flew it dawned on me I was heading the wrong damn way! When I finally took in my surrounding I was furious! I was at the damn gravel pit! This is where we first kissed, where we would sneak off to so we could be alone. This is where I gave myself to him in the back of his 68... He was so gentle, so sweet; back then at least. That was all before he started drinking. And it only got worse after Kory passed away. Then when he went to college he was never the same. His first spring brake back is when we fell apart. I could tell the second he got out of his truck something was off. Turns out I was right. Cuz that's the night he threw everything we had away. By this point I was sobbing so hard I could barely breath. That's when my phone rang. It was Ms. Becky. I didn't want to, but I had to send it to voice mail. Talking wasn't going to happen right now so I text her: I promise I'll call as soon as I am able to calm down. She text me back : I'm so sorry about all of this. I didn't think this would happen. I didn't know he was going to be a shit bird. Don't you worry. I'll deal with him. He might be grown and a heck of a lot bigger, but he's still scared of me. I smiled a little reading that. Ms. B is such a sweet lady. Even after B and I split up she still treated me like family. We had an unspoken agreement that if he was home she just didn't invite me over for holidays. We even still do lunch every now and then. "Ughhhh" my screams echoed all around me. Just breath Addy. He won't stay. He will be gone in a week or so.

Brantley's POV: by SPaige0615

"Hello?" I answered my phone as i pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway. "Brantley Keith! I told you not to hurt her! I told you to leave her alone!" My momma screeched. "Momma what the hell? What's got your feathers all ruffled?" I asked her. "Addy Rose! That poor little girl is bawling her eyes out! I don't know where she is, if she's ok, or or or, heck I just don't know! She's not at her house. I just went by there." My momma sniffled. I sighed. I might be a dick. But I loved my momma. "Why you went by her house? I'm sure she's fine, chill." I tried to calm her. "Fine?! You think she's fine?! YOU didn't see her when you left! YOU weren't the one who held her every time she cried over you! YOU WEREN'T THERE! So how could you possibly know if she's 'fine' or not? I don't know what happened to you son, but you need to find yourself. This isn't you. Wether you want to admit it or not. I'm going to go look for Addy." She sighed and hung up. My own mother just hung up on me. She was pissed. Hell, I might as well get back in her good graces. There's only one place Adalynn would go if she isn't at her house. I pulled back onto the road and hauled ass in the direction of the gravel pits.

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