chapter 6

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Addy's pov

What did I do to deserve this torture? Have a really wronged someone that badly to warrant this much heart ache? I don't know what to do to make this stop. Him leaving in a few days should help. Things should be better then. But what about next time he's home? And what happens when he finally decided to bring one home and I run into them? I'm pathetic. This is ridiculous. He threw me to the side yet here I sit still pining over him like some doe eyed teenager who can't see the forest for the trees. Son of a BITCH! I know that sound. His bike is in my drive way. HE is in my drive way. The door is locked. I'll just stay here on the couch and not answer the door. He'll get the hint and go away. His knocking started out softly then got louder after he called phone. I'm sure he heard it and figured out I was just ignoring him. What part of leave me the hell alone didn't he understand? Stubborn ass! I had just started to txt him and tell him to go away when I heard it. He found my damn hide a key! I could call the sheriff... But do I really want to. He was in the door and had it shut behind him before I could decide. Great. Here I sit in his old foot ball sweat shirt with fresh tear stained cheeks looking pathetic as ever not knowing what to do and feeling trapped in my own damn home. I can't even look at him.

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